June 29 - July 2, 2008


About the Symposium

This symposium is the 9th in the series on Instrumental Analysis wihtin the frame of the partnership between the cities of Pécs and Graz. The symposia were held in Pécs and in Graz alternatively since 1991 every second year. The scope of the symposium series is to give and overwiew of the activities in the field of instrumental analysis in both cities. It is expected that this conference will further contribute to the excange of ideas and will provide a forum for stimulating dicsussions.

ÞFinal Program


Deadline for Registration

15th of April, 2008

 Online registration

Deadline for Abstract submission

15th of April, 2008

Instructions for Abstract submission


Second Circular

Payment of Registration fee

For Austrian participants to:

Prof. Dr. G. Gübitz
Account Nr. 00484021236   BLZ 17400
Bank für Kärnten und Steiermark (BKS)
"9th Symposium + name of participant"

For Hungarian participants:
Please, contact Krisztina Babák to obtain the university account number.

Deadline for Payment
30th of April, 2008

Link to the homepage of the 8th Symposium (Graz, September 25-28, 2005)

Link to the homepage of the 7th Symposium (Pécs, September 21-24, 2003)

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