22th April 2018 Together, 26 students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th hungarian, german and international medical program revised and trained practical skills for their professional practice or rotational year at the MediSkillsLab.
In addition to the stations: patients interview, ECG placement and interpretation as well as Lab interpretation they also had the possibility to do venous blood collections, injections, intubation, infusions handling and reanimation with the gorgeous support by Dr. Ezer and Dr. Düh, dr. Tóth und dr. Szántó.
It was a great Sunday workshop with six hours full of motivation, enthusiasm, knowledge, motion and exchange of experiences. The workshop “Fit for Famulatur” was the 2nd project which was created by highly motivated Demonstrators. This 2nd workshop about preparing for the clinical internships has shown a great feedback from both students and docens. It was great pleasure for us to work together with the Circle of Demonstrators (DDK), MediSkillsLab, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology Centre and the Heart Institute.
Juliane Wagner (Demonstrator, 10th semester)