Univpecs.com has a recent update on frequent questions and answers about the coronavirus.
The University of Pécs considers it important for its citizens to continue their studies in the safest possible way, to carry out teaching, to conduct research, and to participate in professional practices. The students have already been informed by the UP through Neptun. In addition, we have compiled an article that provides information on the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus (COVID-2019).
In order to prevent seasonal illnesses, especially those spreading in a community, the university’s leadership has been taking steps from the beginning and takes professional measures based on the guidelines of the central authorities.
How does the coronavirus spread?
Human-to-human transmission of the virus has been proven, and it is spreading by droplets and direct or indirect contact with infected exudates.
How do I know which areas are affected by coronavirus cases?
Information on the current situation and new areas of infection can also be found on the website of the National Center for Public Health (NNK) (https://www.nnk.gov.hu/), and more information can be requested from two national green numbers: 06-80-277-455 and 06-80-277-456. The hotlines can be dialled 24/7, from mobile and landline phones. Further information is available at http://www.egeszseg.hu/koronavirus-tajekoztatok.
The operational professional team of the University of Pécs, in accordance with the professional recommendations of the authorities, does not recommend traveling to areas, which are, according to official announcements, affected by the epidemic.
For less than two weeks, I have been to a place where there has been an accumulation of cases. What should I do?
Stay at home for 14 days after arriving in Hungary and minimize contact with others. As a student you may get an exemption from participating in classes at the Registrar’s Office.
How can I prevent the infection?
The good news is that the risk of infection can be significantly reduced by following a few simple hygiene rules, which are summarized below. Please pay increased attention to complying with these rules, even in the light of the ongoing flu epidemic.
Wash your hands regularly and follow the basic hygiene recommendations and cough / sneeze etiquette. Call the attention of others to do so, too.
Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands. Avoid the usual forms of greeting through physical contact, such as shaking hands, kissing, etc.
Please follow the instructions on the university campuses about proper hand washing and hygiene rules and use the hand sanitizers at the main entrances.
Wear a face mask (surgical face mask) only if you already have flu symptoms.
Search for information from reliable sources. Follow the progress reports available on the WHO website (https://www.who.int).
What to do if you meet someone who has been to an affected country?
Follow the instructions described in the "How can I prevent infection?" section.
When should one suspect that someone is infected with the coronavirus?
If you have been to or been in contact with people who have been to one of the abovementioned countries in the last 14 days AND have fever, dry cough or breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, contact the UP Clinical Center Emergency Patient Care Unit (or the General Practitioner Service (https://haziorvos.pte.hu/).
- In Szekszárd, contact the County Hospital Tolna, János Balassa Hospital Emergency Patient Care Unit (Szekszárd, Béri Balogh Ádám street),
- In Szombathely, contact the Teaching Hospital Markusovszky Emergency Patient Care Unit (Szombathely, Markusovszky street 5.),
- In Kaposvár, contact the Teaching Hospital Mór Kaposi Emergency Patient Care Unit (Kaposvár, Tallián Gyula street 20–32.)
- In Zalaegreszeg, contact the County Hospital Zala, Szent Rafael Hospital Emergency Patient Care Unit (Zalaegerszeg, Zrínyi Miklós street 1.)
The disease has claimed victims from the older age group so far. What should elder teachers / employees do?
Follow the instructions described in the "How can I prevent infection?" section.
What is the University of Pécs doing in order to curb the epidemic?
UP acts with the utmost care and in accordance with the professional guidance of the competent authorities.