Bio-health partnerkeresések- Enterprise Europe Network

2015. szeptember 28.

Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram!


Szeretném figyelmébe ajánlani az Enterprise Europe Network üzleti és innovációs partnerkereső adatbázisából az alábbi válogatott bio-health-eHealth témájú partnerkereső profilokat. Amennyiben kapcsolatba szeretne lépni egy-egy profil tulajdonosával, kérem töltse ki a mellékelt adatlapot és küldje vissza nekem. Szolgáltatásunk térítésmentes.

Az adatbázis naponta frissül, és böngészhető honlapunkon:

K+F partnerkereső profil:

H2020 FTI Pilot 2015-1: Continuous production of collagen fibres for medical device applications (Ref: RDUK20150903001)

H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1-Chitosan: A new solution for biomedical and biopharmaceuticals applications- looking for industrial partners (RDES20150918001)

Technológiai partnerkereső profilok:

Non-centrifugation based plasma sample preparation technology (Ref: TRUK20150604001)

UK based biotechnology SME with antimicrobial nanomaterial seeks partners for technology scale up (Ref: TRUK20150707001)

Looking for collaboration with a research team specialized in cancers biotargeting with nanoparticles and phototherapy equipment (Ref: TRFR20131203001)

Looking for disposable Electroencephalography (EEG) electrode patch expertise (Ref: TRNL20150626002)

Customized computer-assisted microscopy systems and image analysis solutions and services for digital pathology, laboratory diagnostics and biomedicine (Ref: TODE20150714001)

Üzleti partnerkereső profilok:

Master franchise offered for new therapy for alignment of the pelvis and normalisation of the position of the spine to cure pain in the lower back and neck (Ref: BONL20150225001)

Looking for supplier of enzyme lactase in tablet forms for package from the EU (Ref: BRSK20150225001)

Sourcing innovative research laboratory equipment and technologies for commercialisation in the UK/Ireland and potential access to European distributors (Ref: BRUK20150902001)

French commercial agent is looking for manufacturers of medical devices (Ref: BRFR20150908001)

Sourcing innovative research laboratory equipment and technologies for commercialisation in the UK/Ireland and potential access to European distributors (Ref: BRUK20150902001)



Szabó Eszter Anna
Enterprise Europe Network Osztály
Mobil: +36 (20) 250 1851
Cím:  1095 Budapest, Ipar u. 5.
Tel: +36 (1) 810-1600
Fax: +36 (1) 810-1601

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