ESMO Course in Medical Oncology for Medical Students, 25-29 July 2025, Valencia, Spain

25 February 2025

Dear Students,

On behalf of ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) we would like to promote the ESMO Course in Medical Oncology for Medical Students, which will take place on 25-29 July 2025 in Valencia, Spain.

This annual four-day residential course is open to 4th and 5th year medical students undergraduates worldwide. 90 seats are available and selected students will receive free registration, free accommodation and a travel grant.

This course aims to:

  • Provide an insight into medical oncology, filling the gap in the medical student’s curriculum 
  • Present and discuss clinical cases with a multidisciplinary approach 
  • Start a dialogue with the student community through a tailor-made course enhancing and broadening medical students’ education and learning experiences 

Online application is now open until 15th April 2025.                                                     

Please see the attached flyer for further information.