Business Development and Management (KÜLÖN KURZUS!!!)


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2019-2020

Course director

  • Dr. Rita BOGNÁR

    research associate professor,
    Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 24 hours

practices: 0 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 24 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OPE-VFM-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Elective modul
  • spring


Course headcount limitations

min. 1 – max. 30

Available as Campus course for 2 fő számára. Campus-karok: TTK


The main objective of the course is to develop the business orientation skills of the students, while deepening their knowledge in business models, business plans, innovative business strategies, time-, product-, process- and human resource management. Participants will have the capability how to develop healthcare businesses in international environment and how to plan better their time.


  • 1. Global healthcare - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 2. Different healthcare systems - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 3. Regional healthcare - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 4. Different types of business organisations - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 5. Innovation, Innovative businesses - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 6. Business Model Generation - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 7. Business plan - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 8. Business plan development - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 9. Intercultural business communication - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 10. Basics of Marketing in healthcare business - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 11. Production - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 12. Product and process management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 13. Quality management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 14. Time planning, Time management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 15. Human resource management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 16. Team building, Team work - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 17. Strategic management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 18. Risk management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 19. Healthcare finance - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 20. Introduction to accounting and financial management - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 21. Sustainable healthcare - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 22. Presenation methods and techniques - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 23. Administration, Documentation, Reports - Dr. Bognár Rita
  • 24. Summary for written test - Dr. Bognár Rita



Reading material

Obligatory literature

Literature developed by the Department



Recommended literature

1. Baum Neil, Thomas Raju : The Basics of Business of Medicine, 2015
2. Helen Ewing: Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, 5th edition, 2013

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Mid-term exams

TVSZ szerint

Making up for missed classes

TVSZ szerint

Exam topics/questions



Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars