Student Researchers' Society Topics
Diagnosis and therapy of female infertility
Supervisor: KOVÁCS, Kálmán
Co-supervisor: Dr. NAGY, Bernadett
Diagnosis and therapy of female infertility
Effect of light protection in the embrio development
Supervisor: KOVÁCS, Kálmán
Effect of light protection in the embrio development
Embrional foton emission examination
Supervisor: BÓDIS, József
Embrional foton emission examination during reproductive treatment.
Investigations in Urogynecology
Supervisor: FARKAS, Bálint
Pelvic organ prolapse and female urinari incontinence is a major health issue. Participation in this project involves physical examinations, collecting and analyzing data, and assisting in live surgeries.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, its pathomechanism and therapy
Supervisor: KOVÁCS, Kálmán
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, its pathomechanism and therapy
Role of vitamin D in assisted reproductive techniques
Supervisor: BÓDIS, József
Co-supervisor: Dr. PÉNTEK, Sándor
Role of vitamin D in assisted reproductive techniques
Intrauterine growth retardation - causes and neonatological outcome among our patients
Supervisor: FUNKE, Simone
Intrauterine growth retardation - causes and neonatological outcome among our patients
Clinical characteristics of preterm infants conceived arteficially
Supervisor: FUNKE, Simone
Clinical characteristics of preterm infants conceived arteficially
Importance of biomarkers in assisted reproduction techniques
Supervisor: VÁRNAGY, Ákos
Importance of biomarkers in assisted reproduction techniques
Effectiveness of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics in foetopathological examinations
Supervisor: VESZPRÉMI, Béla
Co-supervisor: Dr. GOMÁNY, Zsuzsanna
Effectiveness of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics in foetopathological examinations
Psychological effects of mid-term abortions based on genetic indication
Supervisor: VESZPRÉMI, Béla
Co-supervisor: DR. SZENTIVÁNYI-MAKÓ, Hajnalka
Psychological effects of mid-term abortions based on genetic indication
Invasive prenatal genetic testing methods
Supervisor: MOLNÁR, Gábor
Co-supervisor: Dr. MOLNÁR, Gábor
Invasive prenatal genetic testing methods
Biochemical and biological analysis of peritoneal fluid formed during ovarian hyperstimuation syndrome (OHSS)
Supervisor: FARKAS, Bálint
Biochemical and biological analysis of peritoneal fluid formed during ovarian hyperstimuation syndrome (OHSS)
Examination of bronchopulmonary dysplasia among our patients
Supervisor: GYARMATI, Judit
Examination of bronchopulmonary dysplasia among our patients
Újszülöttkori pulzoxymetriás szűrővizsgálat gyakorlata
Supervisor: GYARMATI, Judit
Újszülöttkori pulzoxymetriás szűrővizsgálat gyakorlata
Perzisztáló ductus arteriosus a neonatális ellátásban
Supervisor: GYARMATI, Judit
Perzisztáló ductus arteriosus a neonatális ellátásban
Function of the thyroid gland among infertile patients
Supervisor: HANTOSI, Eszter
Co-supervisor: Dr. PÉNTEK, Sándor
Function of the thyroid gland among infertile patients
Screening options for recurrent gestational diabetes, late maternal effects
Supervisor: HANTOSI, Eszter
Screening options for recurrent gestational diabetes, late maternal effects
Maturation of the cervix and vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)
Supervisor: RÁCZ, Sándor
Maturation of the cervix and vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)
Risk factors of monochorionic twin pregnancies
Supervisor: MOLNÁR, Gábor
Risk factors of monochorionic twin pregnancies
Investigation of the central nervous system mosaicism by in situ molecular genetic analysis in Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome
Supervisor: MOLNÁR, Gábor
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. PAJOR, László
Investigation of the central nervous system mosaicism by in situ molecular genetic analysis in Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome
A perinatális konzílium jelentősége a gyermeksebészeti vonatkozású fejlődési rendellenességekben
Supervisor: MOLNÁR, Gábor
Co-supervisor: Dr. VÁSTYÁN, Attila
A perinatális konzílium jelentősége a gyermeksebészeti vonatkozású fejlődési rendellenességekben
Detection of cardiac disorders and efficacy of prenatal diagnostics before foetopathological processing
Supervisor: MOLNÁR, Gábor
Co-supervisor: Dr. MASSZI, György
Co-supervisor: Dr. Pap Anita (Department of Pathology)
Detection of cardiac disorders and efficacy of prenatal diagnostics before foetopathological processing
Examination of the hormon content of breast milk
Supervisor: VASS, Réka
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. ERTL, Tibor
Examination of the hormon content of breast milk
Animal models to study postnatal adaptation
Supervisor: VASS, Réka
ASTRAGEN project - investigation of hormonal background
Supervisor: VASS, Réka
Co-supervisor: Dr. FUNKE, Simone
ASTRAGEN project - investigation of hormonal background
Decidual immune environment.
Supervisor: NÖRENBERG, Jasper Maximilian
During human pregnancy, fetal trophoblast tissue invades into the mucosal lining of the uterus. Failures during this implantation can lead to subfertility, pre-eclampsia, or intrauterine growth restriction. We investigate the role of the decidual’s local immune system in pregnancy.
Immunological Background of Infertility
Supervisor: NÖRENBERG, Anna
Recent years’ research draws our attention to immunological alterations associated with infertility. In this research topic, we describe the alteration of various immune cells in infertility.