Student Researchers' Society Topics

Student Researchers' Society Topics

Co-supervisor: Dr. NAGY, Bernadett

Diagnosis and therapy of female infertility

Effect of light protection in the embrio development

Embrional foton emission examination during reproductive treatment.

Pelvic organ prolapse and female urinari incontinence is a major health issue. Participation in this project involves  physical examinations, collecting and analyzing data, and assisting in live surgeries. 

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, its pathomechanism and therapy

Co-supervisor: Dr. PÉNTEK, Sándor

Role of vitamin D in assisted reproductive techniques

Intrauterine growth retardation - causes and neonatological outcome among our patients

Clinical characteristics of preterm infants conceived arteficially

Importance of biomarkers in assisted reproduction techniques

Co-supervisor: Dr. GOMÁNY, Zsuzsanna

Effectiveness of prenatal ultrasound diagnostics in foetopathological examinations

Co-supervisor: DR. SZENTIVÁNYI-MAKÓ, Hajnalka

Psychological effects of mid-term abortions based on genetic indication

Co-supervisor: Dr. MOLNÁR, Gábor

Invasive prenatal genetic testing methods

Biochemical and biological analysis of peritoneal fluid formed during ovarian hyperstimuation syndrome (OHSS)

Examination of bronchopulmonary dysplasia among our patients

Újszülöttkori pulzoxymetriás szűrővizsgálat gyakorlata

Perzisztáló ductus arteriosus a neonatális ellátásban

Co-supervisor: Dr. PÉNTEK, Sándor

Function of the thyroid gland among infertile patients

Screening options for recurrent gestational diabetes, late maternal effects

Maturation of the cervix and vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)

Risk factors of monochorionic twin pregnancies

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. PAJOR, László

Investigation of the central nervous system mosaicism by in situ molecular genetic analysis in Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome 

Co-supervisor: Dr. VÁSTYÁN, Attila

A perinatális konzílium jelentősége a gyermeksebészeti vonatkozású fejlődési rendellenességekben

Co-supervisor: Dr. MASSZI, György

Co-supervisor: Dr. Pap Anita (Department of Pathology)

Detection of cardiac disorders and efficacy of prenatal diagnostics before foetopathological processing 

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. ERTL, Tibor

Examination of the hormon content of breast milk

Co-supervisor: Dr. FUNKE, Simone

ASTRAGEN project - investigation of hormonal background

During human pregnancy, fetal trophoblast tissue invades into the mucosal lining of the uterus. Failures during this implantation can lead to subfertility, pre-eclampsia, or intrauterine growth restriction. We investigate the role of the decidual’s local immune system in pregnancy.

Recent years’ research draws our attention to immunological alterations associated with infertility. In this research topic, we describe the alteration of various immune cells in infertility.