New, customizable menu system on the award-winning website of the Pécs Medical School

10 March 2022

Logged in users of the Pécs Medical School’s Website of the Year awardee page now has an added feature: “My Menu” lets users personalise their view according to their own preferences. The new feature allows users to customise the faculty website according to their own content needs, choosing from an almost endless pool of configuration options. There is also a video tutorial about using the new customization features.

The new website of the University of Pécs Medical School was finished and launched in 2021 and has received almost a million yearly visitors. The development team of nearly 15 worked over 3000 hours on the project, but every member of the Marketing and Communication Department took part in the task, too. The page won the Website of the Year award at the end of 2021 in the “Education” category, but it is still under constant development based on reviews and needs. Based on the reviews, the most wanted feature was customization and improved access to internal services.

- With a website as complicated as the Medschool one, with around 200 microsites, this proved a sizeable challenge. We had to bring the internal, or intranet functionality to the forefront without damaging the external, visitor-facing information; this is important for the appraisal, public awareness and recruitment goals of the faculty – explained László Fekete, head of the UPMS Marketing and Communication Department’s Digital Marketing Office. They managed to find a solution that fully satisfies the needs outlined above.

- “My Menu” is the new service development package for faculty users; it lets logged in users customize the faculty website according to their own content needs, choosing from thousands of options. After logging in with EHA/Neptun codes, a previously absent header will appear, this is “My Menu”. The right side has a “Settings” button – this is where the customization options are, where the shortcuts and their order on the header are customizable – highlighted László Fekete.

The “My Menu” function has 5 customizable menu points and the UP central phone book as shortcuts, including customizing the homepage. These are all saved by the system, and we will see the website based on our settings as long as we are logged in.

The homepage is customizable with the star icons next to the menu items on the settings page. The starred page will be the new main page of the site, and the official homepage will be reachable with the “ÁOK Homepage” button. The customized interface is only available on our own computer and other devices after logging in with EHA/Neptun codes. Logged out users will see the default, unchanged appearance.

The Digital Marketing Office is still accepting reviews and opinions about the new function and the entire website at