Dear Students,
We are excited to provide you with beneficial information in reference to the subject entitled, “MEDICAL HUNGARIAN.”
Why is it important to learn Medical Hungarian?
Beginning with the 5th semester of your studies, you will participate in clinical internships in which you will experience direct contact with patients. Acquiring the appropriate communication skills is crucial to advancing your studies, but also will prove meaningful in your future career as a successful physician.
The Hungarian language is "the means to an end" during your studies at UPMS. Through language development, your communication skills in taking medical histories will also improve, and at the same time, acquiring medical terminology at the A2-B1 levels. Therefore, at the end of your fourth semester, you will be expected to take a final exam in Hungarian Medical Communication. Passing the final oral exam in Hungarian for Medical Purposes is the enrolment requirement for the required course entitled, "Introduction to Internal Medicine," offered your third year (5th semester).
The final written exam must be taken no later than the end of the 5th year of study (10th semester).
What will you learn in the Hungarian courses?
- Establishing rapport: gaining your patient's cooperation.
- Taking medical history: interviewing patients regarding
- their symptoms,
- disease,
- past medical history,
- medications, family - and social history.
- Administering instructions when performing physical examination
The program
Medical Hungarian courses are elective subjects and build upon one another. In the first four semesters, two courses (A and B) are taken together hosted in NEPTUN (due to technical reasons, the B course can only be taken following a delay of 24 hours). Please enroll in the language courses with your study group.
Forms of teaching and learning: 2 + 2 classes per week/face-to-face teaching
ECTS-Credit Points: 2 ECTS are awarded for each course.
No prior knowledge is required for participation in the language courses.
The following table summarizes the Hungarian courses of the first 4 semesters. (8 x 2 =16 ECTS credit points)
Medical Hungarian |
Communication Skills |
Language Skills |
First year |
First semester |
1A |
1B |
Second semester |
2A |
2B |
Second year |
Third semester |
3A |
3B |
Fourth semester |
4A |
4B |
End of the fourth semester |
Final Oral Examination |
Final Written Examination |

Semester grades
“A” Courses, Communication Skills:
At the end of each semester: 1 oral semester test
Content: Patient interviewing - Role plays
Dates: between the 10th and 12th SW, depending on the agreement with the Course Instructor
“B“ Courses, Language Skills:
min. 1 written and 1 oral performance (contents and dates will be concurred upon with the Course Instructor).
Grading scale: 0 - 60 = (1) fail
61-70 = (2) sufficient
71-80 = (3) satisfactory
81-90 = (4) good
91-100 = (5) excellent
Evaluation of the oral and written final examination (points in total):
0 - 60 = fail
61 -100 = passed
From the 5th semester onwards, additional language courses are offered during the course of study, which enable weekly contact with patients and serve towards enhancing Specialized Communication in the Clinical Centre. The course content is adapted to the language requirements of the current clinical module. The courses are subject to registration through NEPTUN.
- Medical English 2/a: Presentation Techniques
- Medical English 2/b: Taking Medical Case Histories in English
- Medical English 2/c: Writing up research
- Presentation of Case Reports in English
- Medical and Clinical terminology
- Emphatic and Assertive Communication in Clinical Practice
- Taking Medical History with Actors
- How to Apply and Prepare for Scholarships and Internships Abroad
- Intercultural Competence in Doctor-Patient Communication
- Narratives in Medical English
- Medical Improvisation
- Internet and Telemedicine in Doctor-Patient Communication