Student Researchers' Society Topics

Student Researchers' Society Topics

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), such as apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban and rivaroxaban, are the recommended primary therapy in preventing acute ischemic stroke (AIS) in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. However, despite the high effectiveness of DOACs, an annual AIS risk of 1-2% endures. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and mechanical thrombectomy (MT) are interventions capable of reducing AIS-related morbidity and augmenting the prospects of functional recovery. Nevertheless, DOAC intake within 48-hours preceding IVT is deemed as a (relative) contraindication due to the presumed heightened risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH). Despite the strength of this recommendation, the current amount of evidence remains insufficient. Therefore this study investigates the cohort of affected patients otherwise eligible for IVT, aiming to determine whether the benefits of reperfusion therapy might outweigh the associated risk of hemorrhagic transformation.

The purpose of the study to classify and buid up a register for the mitochondrial patients diagnosed in the Neurology clinic. Furthemor, morphological analysis of the muscle biosy specimens.

During the study we analyze the clinical, genetic and muscle biopsy findings of patients with myotonic dystrophy.

Examination of various behavioural disorders in Parkinson's disease

Heart surgeries (open surgeries and minimally invasive procedures, as well) might have possible complications like brain embolization. These embolizations can be monitored intraoperatively with continuous transcranial doppler ultrasound. The HITS (high intensity transient signals) show differences based on their physical character, which is indicative of their origin. in our examination we collect data intrasoperatively, then we analyse HITS and patient data to find clinically relevant (anamnestic, clinical, surgical) correlations.

Complaints characteristic of thin fiber neuropathy, first and foremost the frequent neuropathic character of limb pain with nocturnal dominance, are common in peripheral neurology practice. In a proportion of patients, the complaints are confirmed to be due to a common pathology (e.g. diabetes mellitus, various immunological pathologies, etc...), but in the majority of cases the aetiology is not identified. In addition to the electrophysiological examination, punch biopsy plays an important role in the clinical investigation and is usually indispensable for the diagnosis. Nowadays, however, some modern, less invasive methods are available, albeit in limited numbers, to confirm the presence of thin-fibre neuropathy. These include in vivo confocal microscopy.

The student will be able to participate in thin-fibre neuropathy studies in collaboration with the Department of Neurology and the Department of Ophthalmology.

Aims: 1. Investigation of MMN patients, 2. Reading their medical records, 3. Making a patient's database (e.g., age, gender, disease onset, disease duration, impaired nerve at onset, progression of nerve involvents, effectiveness of IVIg), 4. Overview of MMN literature, 5. Writing of the thesis.

In this topic the students can learn and analyse the results of the technique of deep brain stimulation, intraoperative electophysiology  and patient programming. Both clinical research or literature review are available.

In this topic the students can learn about the pharmacological treatment of Parkinson’s disease and the examination of patients. Both clinical research or literature review are available.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is considered the most common compression mononeuropathy and is diagnosed daily. The affective therapy of the disease is neuronolysis, according to current recommendations. A large number of publications in the literature present results on the investigation of predictive factors influencing the success of surgery. These include biomarker molecules that can be determined from blood sampling as well as various electrophysiological and ultrasound parameters.

In our study, we aimed to investigate similar biomarkers, primarily by blood sampling and electrophysiological studies.

In routine electrophysiological practice, the diagnosis of entrapment syndromes is based primarily on focal pathological abnormalities detected during electroneurographic studies. In our study we investigate the signs of early motor involvement and their clinical relevance using quantitative EMG testing methods. After training, the student can perform the tests independently under supervision.

Ischemic stroke is known to cause significant burden on health, and traditionally affects the elderly. However, the young population is affected in about 15%, they also show a distinct etiology group among all strokes. These etiological factors are increasingly recognized due to extensive diagnostics.

in our research project, apart from a literature review work, we examine a frequent cause, patent foramen ovale (PFO) and ultrasound results. In cases of right-left shunt, the patients undergo minimally invasive surgery and follow-up at our outpatinet service. 

In this research the stundents have the opportunity to take part actively in bed-side and outpatient care besides doing literature review.

The role of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the clinical practice