Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine; Basics of Theory and the Daily Practice


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2022-2023


  • Dr. Péter CSERHÁTI

    assistant professor,
    Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine


előadás: 12 óra

gyakorlat: 12 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OAE-REG-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Elective modul
  • spring


Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 4 fő – max. 80 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 80 fő számára. Campus-karok: ÁOK


Medical rehabilitation and physical medicine; basics of theory and the daily practice
The rehabilitation medicine is based on a holistic and comprehensive approach to medical care for individuals who have experienced different kinds of disability resulting from an injury, disease process or developmental disorder. The rehabilitation process uses an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals to help a person to reach their fullest physical, psychological, social, vocational, avocational, and educational potential consistent with his or her goals and life plans. This course of medical rehabilitation focuses on the theoretical and practical knowledge in medical rehabilitation.


  • 1. Basic philosophy of rehabilitation (definition, legal background, the ICF-concept of disability, epidemiology of disability) - Dr. Cserháti Péter
  • 2. Rehabilitation goals, preparing plans (evaluation of physical loadability, importance of the constructed and the societal environment. Living with a wheel-chair - Dr. Cserháti Péter
  • 3. Rehabilitation post severe spinal cord injury - Dr. Cserháti Péter
  • 4. Rehabilitation of patients with degenerative and inflammatory peripheral joint diseases - Dr. Sarlós Gézáné (Dr. Varjú Cecilia)
  • 5. Rehabilitation of patients with dysmyelia and post amputation - Dr. Sarlós Gézáné (Dr. Varjú Cecilia)
  • 6. Rehabilitation of patients with post traumatic injury - Dr. Fonay Valér
  • 7. Specialitie of rehabilitation in elderly patients - Dr. Birkás Gyöngyvér
  • 8. Rehabilitation of patients post ortopedic surgery - Dr. Fonay Valér
  • 9. Interventions in rehabilitation I. (robot mediated treatment, neuromodulation and stimulation, (prescription of medical aids) - Dr. Kovács Noémi
  • 10. Rehabilitation of patients with addiction - Kárpáti Tamás Gergely
  • 11. Rehabilitation of children - Dr. Péter Ágnes Eszter
  • 12. Rehabilitation of patients after cardiac diseases, Dr. Nyárfás Géza - Dr. Sarlós Gézáné (Dr. Varjú Cecilia)


  • 1. Special features of medical rehabilitation (multi-disciplinarity, functional approach
  • 2. Rehabilitation goals, preparing plans (evaluation of physical loadability, importance of the constructed and the societal environment. Living with a wheel-chair)
  • 3. Rehabilitation post severe spinal cord injury
  • 4. Assessment of the quality of life. Accessible environment, prevention of immobilization.
  • 5. Rehabilitation of patients with dysmyelia and post amputation
  • 6. Interventions in rehabilitation I. (robot mediated treatment, neuromodulation and stimulation, (prescription of medical aids)
  • 7. Rehabilitation of patients with pulmonology diseases
  • 8. Rehabilitation of patients after stroke
  • 9. Rehabilitation of patients with cardiac diseases
  • 10. Rehabilitation of patients with post cerebral injury Visit to the Department of Neurorehabilitation Dr. Péley Iván and Dr. Kovács Noémi
  • 11. Rehabilitation of patients with chronic neurologic diseases
  • 12. Rehabilitation of patients with addiction


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag


Ajánlott irodalom

Barnes MP, Ward AB. Textbook of Rehabilitation Medicine. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine -
White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe
Grant Cooper: Essential Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 15 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

test exam after the last course meeting

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

As agreed with the course director


1. Basic philosophy of rehabilitation
2. ICF-concept of disability
3. Functional assessment, evaluation, follow-up
4. Rehabilitation team, team work
5. Assessment of the quality of life
6. Basics of rehabilitation of patients with cardiologic diseases
7. Autonomy and compliance.
8. Societal approach and acceptance of disability.
9. Basic conception of social, educational and vocational rehabilitation


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Cserháti Péter
  • Dr. Kovács Noémi
  • Dr. Nyárfás Géza
  • Dr. Sarlós Gézáné (Dr. Varjú Cecilia)