About Us


The Department is a diagnostic, treatment and research facility specialized in hereditary and acquired disorders of the human genome, and in diagnostics, prevention and treatment of pathologies associated with genetic disorders. Many of the main fields of interest of the department were initiated by the founder of our department, a former member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Károly Méhes, tragically deceased in February 2007. The scope of our patient care activities includes the recognition of both the discrepancies leading to abnormalities of the genome and the developing pathological processes, as well as the early identification of individuals and families at risk, and upon the identification of the genetic defect the preventive care of the affected family members, prevention of mental and physical retardation of those born with genetic disorders in addition to the rehabilitation of such patients.

The institute takes part in both graduate and postgarduate educational programs as well as in national and international collaborations. The department is unique since the recognition and diagnosis of genetic disorders take place in the same facility as the early rehabilitation of patients with hereditary diseases.

The department has an up to date laboratory specialized in molecular testing at the chromosome and gene level. The laboratory accepts samples of local, national and international origin as well. 

Our genetic counseling facility, in addition to phenotypic diagnosis of genetic disorders, is specialized in both common and rare illnesses.  The habilitation and rehabilitation background for early developmental possibilities are supported by our experts on developmental neurology, rehabilitation, psychology and physiotherapy. The department maintains a biobank, in which the number of samples collected from patiens suffering from rare genetic disorders is over 10,000. The department conducts active research with national and international collaborations and funding, the publication activity of our faculty and staff is significant. Our Ph.D. programme welcomes freshly graduated physicians, biologists and individual candidates as well.

The department has two separate facilities. The main part of laboratory diagnostics is located at the administrative center at 12 Szigeti Road. The patient care and rehabilitation treatment facility together with the rest of the laboratory diagnostics is located at 7 Attila József Street.

Our department is willingly offering its services to patients, parents, parents-to-be and anyone interested in genetic disorders. 



Dr. Kinga Hadzsiev, MD, PhD
Head of Department, associate professor