Let’s do something together for our faculty wellbeing!

25 October 2023

The Well-Being Concept is part of PotePillars in our faculty, aiming to develop faculty well-being on an organisational level. The “Promoting the Wellbeing Concept at Medical and Public Sectors of the Visegrad Region” project was realised with the leadership of the Medical School.

The colleagues of the Well-Being project organised an event on 9 October, the raffle winners will be notified via email soon.

If you would like to participate in a prize draw and contribute to your own and your colleagues’ well-being, fill out the Well-Being Survey!

To win one of the ToGoMugs and Powerbanks, fill out the survey between 26 October and 3 November, take a screenshot of the “thank you” page at the end, and send it to the well-being@aok.pte.hu email address.

The English language survey is available here.

Participation in the survey means that you will become part of our mission, to get an all-encompassing picture of the well-being of students and employees of Medical Schools in the Visegrád countries. This will help to make “well-being” a common phrase and a basic value, allowing us to provide more effective prevention and intervention services.