Clinical Pharmacology


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025

Course director

  • Habon Tamás

    associate professor,
    1st Department of Internal Medicine

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 24 hours

practices: 0 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 24 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OAE-KFR-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Elective modul
  • spring

OAP-BPR-T finished , OAK-PH1-T finished , OAK-PH2-T parallel

Course headcount limitations

min. 5 – max. 25


The objectives of this subject are as follows: to help medical students understand the theoretical and practical principles of the rational drug administration, risk in taking drugs, drug interactions, human phases of drug development, its bioetical regulations and patients with special clinical condition that affects the practice of rational therapeutics. In the practical part of the curriculum consultations are organized on the application of frequently used drugs. During the course, there is a special focus on the concept of evidence based medicine (EBM), guidelines and position statements, regarding the most important medical diseases.

As a new element in the course, Translational medicine will be also discussed and lectures by invited foreign speakers are also included in the curriculum form 2022.


  • 1. Introduction to clinical pharmacology - Habon Tamás
  • 2. Rational pharmacotherapy - Evidence based medicine - Habon Tamás
  • 3. Drug development in humans I. - Sánticsné Pintér Erika
  • 4. Drug development in humans II. GLP, GMP - Sánticsné Pintér Erika
  • 5. Basic pharmacokinetic principles - Hetényi Csaba
  • 6. Original and generic drugs - Hetényi Csaba
  • 7. Medical devices, Clinical study audits (Dr. Eszter Pais, Boston Scientific, St Paul, Minnesota, USA) - Pais Eszter
  • 8. Management of chronic pain, Other palliative pharmacotherapy - Frank Nóra
  • 9. Pharmacotherapy in infectious disorders 1. - Péterfi Zoltán
  • 10. Pharmacotherapy in infectious disorders 2. - Péterfi Zoltán
  • 11. Pharmacological management of cardiovascular risk factors - Bajnok László Zoltán
  • 12. Dyslipidemia, Diabetes, Obesity - Bajnok László Zoltán
  • 13. Translational medicine - Sarlós Patricia
  • 14. Pharmacotherapy in GI diseases - Sarlós Patricia
  • 15.

    Cardiovascular diseases, Acute Heart Failure

    - Márton Zsolt I
  • 16. Cardiovascular diseases, Critically ill patients - Márton Zsolt I
  • 17. Critical appraisal of clinical trials, Meta-analyses - Komócsi András
  • 18. Registries, Real-world trials, Personalized pharmacotherapy - Komócsi András
  • 19. Therapy in thrombotic disorders - Alizadeh Hussain
  • 20. Hematological diseases - Alizadeh Hussain
  • 21. Drug side effects - Hunyady Béla
  • 22. Drug interactions - Hunyady Béla
  • 23. Seminars in practical pharmacotherapy. Case-studies in drug use - Habon Tamás
  • 24. Good Clinical Practice, Exam - Habon Tamás



Reading material

Obligatory literature

Literature developed by the Department

Published on Neptune


Recommended literature

Melmon and Morelli: Clinical Pharmacology: Basic Principles in Therapeutics.

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

Maximum 20% absences can be accepted.

Mid-term exams


Making up for missed classes


Exam topics/questions



Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars