Thesis II


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025

Course director

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 0 hours

practices: 0 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 0 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OTT-THE2-T
  • 1 kredit
  • Biotechnology BSc
  • Thesis Preparation and Practice Module modul
  • autumn

OTT-THE1-T finished

Course headcount limitations

min. 5 – max. 50


The subject provides the opportunity for students to practice in laboratories and/or to search the literature to prepare their diploma thesis.




Reading material

Obligatory literature

Literature developed by the Department

Own ppt, and interactive material, books, papers suggested by the thesis supervisor


Recommended literature

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

Regular consultation with the supervisor and fulfilling the supervisors expectations in writing or in laboratory work.

Mid-term exams

Accepted as agreed with the thesis supervisor

Making up for missed classes

As agreed with the thesis supervisor

Exam topics/questions

Teams, Neptun - and the departmental website of the selected thesis supervisor


Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars