Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025
Course director
Nagy Ákos Károly
associate professor,
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -
Number of hours/semester
lectures: 14 hours
practices: 28 hours
seminars: 0 hours
total of: 42 hours
Subject data
- Code of subject: OSP-FL1-T
- 3 kredit
- Dentistry
- Pre-clinical modul
- spring
OSP-FPP-T finished , OSP-OFO-T parallel , OSP-SZP-T parallel
Course headcount limitations
min. 5 – max. 30
The student should learn the clinical and laboratory procedures and methods of making a complete denture. The student learns the technic of impression taking, using the face-bow, and practices the tooth preparation.
- 1. Anamnesis and examination of the edentulous patient. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 2. Clinical anatomy of the edentulous mandible I. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 3. Clinical anatomy of the edentulous mandible II. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 4. Clinical anatomy of the edentulous maxilla. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 5. Parts of the complete denture and principles of functional stability. Anatomical impression and model. Individual tray. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 6. Consequences of complete edentulism. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 7. Making a functional impression on the edentuolus mandible and maxilla. - Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- 8. Assessment of the occlusal plane, the occlusal vertical dimension and the centric relation. Intraoral gothic arch tracing registration. - Benke Beáta
- 9. Setting up of artificial teeth: methods, static and dynamic tooth setting. - Benke Beáta
- 10. Try-in, examination before processing the denture. Christensen?s phenomenon. - Benke Beáta
- 11. Processing of the denture in the dental laboratory, reocclusion, delivery, remontage. - Benke Beáta
- 12. Midsemester written test - Benke Beáta
- 13. Problems and problem solving during the use of a complete denture. Relining, repairing, copying the denture. - Benke Beáta
- 14. Maintenance of patients with complete dentures. Oral pathology of elderly edentulous patients. - Benke Beáta
- 1. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 2. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 3. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 4. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 5. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 6. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 7. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 8. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 9. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 10. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 11. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 12. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 13. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 14. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 15. Laboratory practise: Making a lower and upper complete acrylic denture.
- 16. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 17. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 18. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 19. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 20. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 21. Students take impressions from each other, bite registration.
- 22. Laboratory practice: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practicing tooth preparation on manikin.
- 23. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
- 24. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
- 25. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
- 26. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
- 27. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
- 28. Laboratory practise: Mounting the casts into the articulator. Practising tooth preparation on manikin.
Reading material
Obligatory literature
G Zarb et al.: Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients, Elsevier
Geering A, Kundert M, Kelsey CC: Complete Denture and Overdenture Prosthetics, Thieme
Literature developed by the Department
Lecture notes
Recommended literature
Conditions for acceptance of the semester
According to Code ofStudies and Examinations (CSE).
Mid-term exams
one written test, if it is at least 80%, the student will go automaticly to oral test
If not, before each oral exam there will be a minimum test of 5 questions -from them 4 should be answered perfect, otherwise the student will fail
Making up for missed classes
Making up for missed classes
No possibility.
Exam topics/questions
Complete denture - 2 questions will be picked ( one from basic part, one from procedures)
1. What are the consequences of loss of one or more teeth?
2. Consequences of complete edentulousness.
3. History taking, patient examination, in case of complete edentulousness.
4. Preprosthetic treatment of the patients. How do you plan the treatment?
5. Aesthetic aspects of denture teeth selection.
6. Functions of complete removable denture. Parts of the complete denture.
7. Tasks of the parts of the complete denture (denture base, flange, and artificial teeth).
8. Which factors are relevant to complete denture retention? (upper and lower jaw)
9. Functions of myofunctional factors in lower complete denture retention. Which muscles are advantageous and which are disadvantageous in complete denture retention.
10. Materials used for complete denture construction, what are the features of these materials? (base, artificial teeth)
11. Definition of clinical anatomy and its significance. Provide some examples.
12. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the hard palate.
13. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the soft palate. Possibilities of posterior palatal seal/ post-dam construction.
14. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the maxillary tuberosity and the tuber-cheek split/buccal sulcus.
15. Clinical anatomy of edentulous lower ridge. Basic forms of mandibular edentulous ridges.
16. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the mucosa of the mandibular edentulous alveolar ridge and the vestibular and lingual mandibular mucosal reflection.
17. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the mucosa over the maxillary edentulous alveolar ridge and the maxillary vestibular mucosal reflection.
18. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of the maxillary edentulous alveolar ridge. The displaceable flabby ridge.
19. Clinical anatomy and prosthetic significance of retromolar pad and tubercule-masseter split/masseter groove. (borders and muscles)
20. Clinical anatomy (borders and muscles) and prosthetic significance of the middle lingual vestibule (mylohyoid area/ paralingual area).
21. Clinical anatomy (borders and muscles) and prosthetic significance of the distolingual vestibule (retromylohyoid area),
22. Clinical anatomy (borders and muscles) and prosthetic significance of the anterior lingual vestibule (sublingual crescent area).
23. Clinical anatomy (borders and muscles) and prosthetic significance of the buccal shelf (accessory mandibular recess).
24. Clinical anatomy (borders and muscles) and prosthetic significance of the buccal shelf.
25. Prosthetic significance of the mimic muscles. Mandibular and palatal torus.
26. Describe the fixed, mobile and displaceable mucosa, where can you find them, what are their significance in prosthodontics?
27. Borders of upper and lower complete denture base.
28. Requirements of special tray in case of complete edentulousness, material of the special tray, methods of construction.
29. Materials of functional impression. Their properties, processing.
30. Steps and materials of the lower functional impression.
31. Steps and materials of the upper functional impression.
32. Preparation of the functional cast, relief areas and procedure to achieve relief.
33. What is the difference between the occlusal plane and the occlusal surface? What is the significance of determining the occlusal plane during the fabrication of complete denture?
34. Registration of occlusal vertical dimension and centric relation in case of complete upper and lower edentulousness, and in case of lower edentulous ridge (patient has his upper teeth)
35. Materials of the occlusal rim, and its fabrication.
36. How can be determined the centric relation in case of complete edentulism with intraoral gothic arch tracing?
37. Definition of prosthetic curve of Spee and its role in tooth set-up for complete denture.
38. What are the functional and esthetic aspects of setting up the artificial teeth in complete dentures?
39. What are an occludor and an articulator, their role in setting up the teeth in complete denture?
40. What are the important anatomical features of incisal teeth, canines, premolars and molars from prosthetic point of view?
41. What and how do you check at the trial denture stage? Christensen phenomenon: definition, explanation, clinical impact.
42. Processing of complete denture, laboratory steps.
43. Development of oral and vestibular tissue surface of complete dentures.
44. Steps of upper complete denture construction with traditional method.
45. Processing methods for complete denture (except the traditional pressing method)
46. Possible failures during complete denture processing. Importance and steps of reocclusion/laboratory remount.
47. Final insertion of upper and lower complete dentures.
48. Importance and steps of clinical remount of complete denture (remontage).
49. Definition of mucosal resilience, what is the extent of the resilience, why is it important in prosthetics? What are the reasons of complete denture sinking?
50. Complete denture reline: clinical and technical steps
51. Materials, types and characteristics of denture teeth
52. Material of the denture base plate, types, characteristics
- Marada Gyula
- Muzsek Zsófia Katalin
- Rajnics Zsolt
Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars
- Benke Beáta
- Marada Gyula
- Markovics Dóra
- Muzsek Zsófia Katalin