Psychiatry 1


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025

Course director

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 14 hours

practices: 28 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 42 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OAK-PS1-T
  • 3 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Clinical modul
  • autumn

OAP-GT2-T finished , OAP-MT5-T finished , OAP-PA2-T finished

Course headcount limitations

min. 5 – max. 50



To acquire the knowledge and skills of clinical psychiatry in the general practice


- The essential psychopathological symptoms and syndromes

- The treatment of the ill patient?s emotional responses

- Psychological first aid and psychiatric emergencies in crisis and stress situations

- Exploration, evaluation of the psychiatric patients

- Biological and psychological therapeutic interventions

- Prevention and postvention of psychiatric disorders

- Psychiatric care and mentalhygienic activity in the general practice (Psychiatric interview in Hungarian)

- Practices (first and second semesters)

- Psychiatric evaluation (interview, psychiatric history, mental status examination) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Anxiety disorders (amiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Conditions which mimic physical disease (somatisation disorders, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, somatoform pain disorder) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Psychosomatic disorders /2 x 2 hrs/

- Psychosexual disorders/dysfunction and paraphilia /2 hrs/


- Observation, description and evaluation of the patients? behaviour


  • 1. Introduction to psychiatry - Tényi Tamás
  • 2. Psychiatric interview - Tényi Tamás
  • 3. Anxiety disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 4. Somatic symptom disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 5. Dissociative disorders, trauma and stress related disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 6. Psychosomatic illnesses - Tényi Tamás
  • 7. Eating disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 8. Sexual disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 9. Sleep-Wake disorders - Fekete Sándor
  • 10. Factitious disorders, impulse-control disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 11. Emergency psychiatry - Osváth Péter
  • 12. Suicide - Fekete Sándor
  • 13. Biological therapies - Tényi Tamás
  • 14. Psychosocial therapies - Tényi Tamás


  • 0. Adjusment disorders I
  • 0. Crisis intervention II
  • 0. Suicide III
  • 0. Adjusment disorders IV
  • 0. Psychopathology II
  • 0. Crisis intervention I
  • 0. Psychopathology III
  • 0. Sleep disorders I
  • 0. Adjusment disorders III
  • 0. Sleep disorders II
  • 0. Adjusment disorders II
  • 0. Anxiety II
  • 0. Anxiety I
  • 0. Psychopathology VI
  • 0. Psychopathology V
  • 0. Psychopathology IV
  • 0. Psychopathology I
  • 0. Suicide I
  • 0. Psychosomatic disorders IV
  • 0. Personality disorders I
  • 0. Suicide IV
  • 0. Psychosomatic disorders I
  • 0. Psychosomatic disorders II
  • 0. Psychosomatic disorders III
  • 0. Personality disorders II
  • 0. Personality disorders III
  • 0. Personality disorders IV
  • 0. Suicide II


Reading material

Obligatory literature

Literature developed by the Department


Recommended literature

H. I. Kaplan, B. J. Sadock, Grebb: Synopsis of Psychiatry, 7th edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1994

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations

Mid-term exams

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations

Making up for missed classes

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations

Exam topics/questions

1./ Psychiatric anamnesis and interview

Classification of anxiety disorder

2./ The mental status

Sleep-wake disorders

3./ Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of psychosis

Somatic symptom and related disorders

4./ Disturbances of consciousness

Sexual dysfunctions

5./ Disturbances of orientation

Psychosomatic disorders

6./ Disturbances of memory

Impulse-control, and factitius disorders

7./ Disturbances of attention

The most important features of psychotherapy

8./ Disturbances of perception

Panic and generalised anxiety disorders

9./ Disturbances of thinking

Suicidal behaviour - treatment and prevention

10./ Disturbances of affectivity

Dissociative disorders

11./ History of psychiatry

Emergency psychiatry

12./ The symptoms of anxiety

Dynamic psychotherapies

13./ Disturbances and examination of intelligence

Cognitive and behaviour psychotherapies

14./ Disturbances of motor behaviour

Adjustment disorders and psychological crisis, crisis-intervention

15./ Disturbances of instincts

Client-centered psychotherapy

16./ Disturbances of judgment and insight

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

17./ Symptoms of delirium

Classification of mental disorders

18./ Concept and types of delusions

The main factors of suicidal behaviour from neurobiology to culture

19./ Differential diagnosis of anxiety disorders

The main factors of emergency psychiatry

20./ The Ekbom-symptom

Conversion disorder

21./ The clinical significance of hallucinations and illusions

The examination and treatment of desorientated patient

22./ The symptoms of catatonia

Psychosocial crisis, presuicidal syndrome, cry for help

23./ Types of phobias

The examination and treatment of aggressive patients


  • Fekete Sándor
  • Hajnal András Sándor
  • Herold Róbert
  • Osváth Péter
  • Simon Mária
  • Tényi Tamás
  • Vörös Viktor

Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars

  • Hajnal András Sándor
  • Herold Róbert
  • Osváth Péter
  • Simon Mária
  • Tényi Tamás
  • Vörös Viktor