Successful replantation at the Department of Traumatology and Hand Surgery

1 July 2022

Dr. Lóránd Kromek, senior clinical doctor and head of unit at the Department of Traumatology and Hand Surgery, performed an eight-hour-long surgery to reattach the hand of a 54-year-old male patient who lost 3 fingers and half of his hand when chopping wood. The railway technical supervisor from Zalaegerszeg was involved in the accident when he reached his right hand into the wood chopping machine. The Hungarian National Ambulance Service transported him from the hospital in Zalaegerszeg to the clinic in Pécs where the surgery was performed that same night.

During the surgery, the bones were stabilized and the tendons, blood vessels, and nerves were fused together according to a specific surgical scheme. Fortunately, the blood supply to the soft tissues remained stable for several days after the successful surgery so the patient was discharged.

Dr. Lóránd Kromek is optimistic about the recovery, which will require a lot of patience because a long rehabilitation period is expected. The severity and significance of his injury are increased by the fact that the patient is right-handed.

The successful surgery was assisted by Mónika Nagyházi, head theatre nurse, Dr. George Ayerh, trauma surgeon specialist, Zsolt Bogáthy, surgical assistant, Dr. Margit Csata, anaesthetist, and Tamás Mátyás, assistant anaesthetist.


Szabolcs CSORTOS/UnivPécs