PROFFORMANCE final conference - Spotlight on Higher Education Teaching Performance

8 June 2022

PROFFORMANCE final conference will be held on 16 June 2022 in Budapest organized by the Tempus Public Foundaton.

The conference is the closing event of PROFFORMANCE - Assessment Tool and Incentive Systems for Developing Higher Education Teachers’ Performance - project aims to support quality enhancement of Teaching and Learning at higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area through developing a teacher performance evaluation tool and incentive system,and by collecting and sharing good practices.

According to the Tempus Public Foundation's website, the event will focus on the PROFFORMANCE project’s results: the Assessment Tool for higher education teachers’ performance will be presented. The award ceremony of International Higher Education Teacher Award will also take place with the presentation of the best practices. Furthermore, the online searchable PROFFORMANCE Teaching Excellence Database will be launched. 

The conference also provides a networking opportunity for participants from across the European Higher Education Area, and this event will serve as the first meeting of the PROFFORMANCE Network.

Presenters will offer an outlook to future activities of the PROFFORMANCE consortium, planned between 2022 and 2025.

This event is organized by Tempus Public Foundation in partnership with the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology, with the collaboration of its consortium of 5 partner countries (Austria, Czechia, Georgia, Croatia and Serbia), and associated partners.

Registration deadline: 9 June.

For registration click here.


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