MAT2024, MMT Conference 2024 and HUPHAR2024

14 August 2024

Institute of Physiology report

In the summer of 2024, the staff of the Institute of Physiology participated in several domestic conferences.


MAT2024 - 2024 conference of the Hungarian Anatomical Society

The conference was hosted by the Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Development of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen on June 20-21, 2024. On the occasion of Béla Flerkó's 100th birthday, a commemorative symposium was held, during which the 2024 Flerkó-Bárdos awardees and colleagues who won the Lenhossék award also gave their presentations.


Flerkó Bárdos Award and Memorial Medal - Senior category

- Prof. Dr. Dóra Zelena: The role of the vesicular glutamate transporter 3 in social behavior, with particular attention to the median raphe region (Dóra Zelena, Csilla Lea Fazekas, Török Bibiána, Pedro Correia, Tiago Chaves1, Manon Bellardie, Eszter Sipos, Réka Hanga Horváth, Balázs Gaszner, Dóra Fanni, Árpád Dobolyi)


Flerkó Bárdos Award and Memorial Medal - Junior category

- Dr. Miklós Kecskés: The role of the TRPM4 ion channel in temporal lobe epilepsy (Laura Mundrucz, Angéla Kecskés, Nóra Henn-Mike, Péter Kóbor, Péter Buzás, Rudi Vennekens, Miklós Kecskés)


MMT Conference 2024 – Conference of the Hungarian Microscopy Society

The conference was organized in Siófok (May 15-17, 2024), where Péter Faludi gave a lecture.

- Péter Faludi: The central effects of PACAP on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis in mice (Péter Faludi, Ferenc Lengyel, Klaudia Barabás, Ildikó Udvarácz, Dániel Pham, Dóra Reglődi, Zsuzsanna Nagy, Gergely Kovács)


HUPHAR2024 - Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics & Innovation conference

The Hungarian Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (HUPHAR) June 5-7, 2024. organized the HUPHAR2024 – Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics & Innovation conference in Mátraháza. Dr. Dávid Szép and Dr. István Balázs Tóth from our institute participated with 2 presentations and a poster.

- Dr. Dávid Szép: The power of zebrafish: swimming to success to find plant-based antiepileptic drug candidates. (Dávid Szép, Ferenc Budán, Kristóf Csepregi, Kinga Dávid, Bianka Pál-Dittrich, Attila Sík)

- Márk Racskó, Dr. István Balázs Tóth: Sensory TRP channels in the human dental pulp and their pulpitis (Márk Racskó, Árpád Kunka, Judit Bohács, Erika Lisztes, Rita Marincsák, István Balázs Tóth)

- Dr. Ferenc Budán, Dr. Dávid Szép, Bianka Pál-Dittrich, Dr. Attila Sík: Invertebrate models for pharmacological testing.


Photo: MAT2024