Undergraduate Research Society


What is the Undergraduate Research Society, URS (Tudományos Diákkör, TDK)?

The Undergraduate Research Society (URS, TDK) is one of the most important organizations at our University and the Faculty of Pharmacy for producing scientific results. Through the URS, undergraduate pharmacy students can directly engage in the research work of scientific workshops at various institutes and departments.

Opportunities for Presentation and Recognition

URS students can present their work at the annual in-house URSconferences, as well as at national and international events. For years, our students have been successfully participating in these events, often earning first-place awards. The results of URS work can contribute to the completion of a successful pharmacy thesis or a dean's thesis and can also lay a solid foundation for a successful and efficient postgraduate (PhD) career.

The Challenge and Value of URS Work

URS work presents a challenge not only for the student, requiring perseverance and responsibility but also for the project supervisor. The significance of the joint work often lies not in producing new research results but in allowing the student to gain a closer insight into the work of an institute or department, learn methods, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Many of our excellent Hungarian researchers started their careers within the framework of the URS. Through the research conducted in URS workshops, the Faculty of Pharmacy at PTE aims to contribute to the development of both Hungarian and international scientific and intellectual life and values.

When to Start URS Work

Our students often ask when it is advisable to start URS work. This generally depends on the difficulty of the topic. It is recommended to start exploring the topics announced by the institutes and departments as early as the second year, and by the beginning of the third year at the latest, to contact the project supervisor. Students can find the various topics on the institute’s websites, helping them to quickly familiarize themselves with available opportunities.

Collaboration and Success

The staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy URS Committee maintain close cooperation with the members of the Medical School URS Committee. In many cases, the scientific work of our students is carried out incollaboration with medical institutes/clinics. The successes achieved so far by our pharmacy students demonstrate that it is worth joining the URS, dedicating time, energy, and persistent effort to a topic that excites both the student and their project supervisor.


Dr. Györgyi Horváth, habil., PhD

Associate Professor

Chair of the URS Council, Faculty of Pharmacy