Student information about the availability of COVID vaccines

10 February 2021

Dear Students,

We would like to provide the following information about organising COVID-19 vaccinations:

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign of healthcare workers has officially ended at the end of January; the vaccination of senior care homes is currently underway. In accordance with our previous posts, we have closed the preliminary student interest form for vaccination on February 3, 2021, at noon. We are aiming to keep providing vaccination opportunities to every student who has expressed interest so far, conforming to the capacity of the Vaccination Centre and the availability of the vaccines. We do not have any information regarding future vaccination schedules yet, that will depend on the availability of the vaccines.

If we are able to organise new vaccination dates, we will notify the students who signed up before via email, sending them the registration link.

We will not be able to provide COVID vaccination to those students who did not fill the preliminary interest form.

We would like to draw the attention of students who have already received the first dose, to make sure to appear at the Vaccination Centre at their appointment for the second, booster shot. This appointment is noted at the vaccination card given out at the first appointment, the Vaccination Centre does not send out further notifications.

Please take the filled declarations with you to the second appointment. The forms are available here: Declarations for COVID vaccination.

Please make sure to keep the vaccination card.


Best regards,

Staff of the Student Service Department