Medical School – frequently asked questions, education and schedule of academic year

21 March 2020

Exam period and spring semester of the academic year 2020/2021

From whom will we receive information in connection with lessons and exams?

From the course directors. The exams of obligatory subjects will be held in person or in „in-house online” form. Most of the tests and exams of elective or optional courses can be expected in online form.

Will the semester end in line with the original schedule?

According to our intentions, yes, we plan to change it only due force of grounded epidemiological cases. According to the decisions of the UP Operative Task Force the exam period will be extended till 31. August and we will announce an extraordinary exam period for the end of August.

Will it be possible for rotational year students to take the state exam later than planned in the academic year?

Yes, if the student cannot take the state exam in the planned period due to epidemiological reasons (COVID-19 illness, voluntary work, or conducted health care work, other reasons), he/she can take it either in August or in November. For most of our students we enable to take the state exam in the planned period.

Will it be possible for rotational year students to be given more exam days by the course directors?

The determination of exam dates happens with negotiations with students based on the traditions of earlier years. The course directors have the possibility to offer more chances, depending on the capacity of their institute.

How many exam chances will the course directors offer in the extraordinary exam period?

One chance per subject is expected, also depending on students’ needs. It will be just like a general exam week, provided with the normal capacity. Due to this exclusively students eligible for the extraordinary exam period will have the possibility to take all their exams there, they can only manage maximally one or two exams in this period.

Can students start their fall semester if they cannot complete their summer practice due to epidemiological reasons?

The prerequisites of subjects based upon the summer practices will be modified, so that students will not lose a year due to epidemiological reasons. But we still suggest that you try to complete the summer practice in time, as you cannot complete it in the instruction period and later summers might be filled with different summer practices or by starting of the rotational year.

How will the summer practices be conducted? (e.g.: date of application, consultation with hospitals about admission, date of practice)

It will probably be necessary to use the opportunity of volunteer work to complete the summer professional practices, the number of hours of which can be taken into account when completing the professional practices, rotational year practices or clinical block practices. During summer practices the offered possibilities used in the epidemiological emergency situation (such as completions based on number of hours, weekend and on-call shifts, non-accredited hospitals possible) will be applied as long as the emergency situation is valid. Of course, we do suggest that you complete the practice – if possible – in accredited teaching hospitals, and you only use the transfer of voluntary hours into the practices if necessary.  

If summer practices are cancelled, is it possible to postpone them to next year?

In the case of subjects based on summer professional practices, we suspend the prerequisite nature of professional practices, so they can be completed later, however, we also recommend that students make maximum use of this summer if possible as the problem can occur later as well. The completion in the instruction period is not allowed (not even at night or at weekends).

If my application for the summer surgical practice was accepted but in reality it cannot take place due to the pandemic, what can I do?

In the changed epidemic situation, the responsible manager of the planned practice place should be re-asked and it should be clarified what opportunities are available for practices or voluntary work. But it is also possible to change practice place if it is unable to accept the student. In this case, the student should find another place.

If I am already abroad and participate in the epidemiological patient care, can it be accepted as part of my training?

Yes, based on the course director’s decision, if you can let your work officially certified.

Will it be possible to sit exams (final exams or exams) online?

No, the exams of obligatory subjects will be held in person or in „in-house online” form. Further information will be provided by the course directors.

If students cannot participate at the exam due to the pandemic, what help will they get?

Please, if possible, sit all your exams in the ordinary exam period according to the plan. If students cannot sit their exams due to the pandemic (must be certified, due to conducted health care work, or doctor’s letter about the COVID-19 infection) it will classify as justified absence, he/she will not lose the exam chance, and he/she will have the chance to make up for the exam along with the agreement of the course director and if necessary, then of the Faculty’s leadership. Beyond this, at end of August the Faculty organizes an extraordinary exam period.

How to ensure the technical conditions of the “In-house online” exams at the University of Pécs Medical School?

From an IT perspective, conducting „in-house online” written exams is a challenge, but most of our lecturers will most likely return to their usual methods and take on-site exams thus, a smaller number of „in-house online” techniques will be needed. Based on the assessment of the teacher’s needs, the necessary IT and room preparations are underway, and the development of procedures are in progress.

In the case of oral „in-house online” exams, the IT background is provided by the University.

The student may not be disadvantaged if an IT obstacle arises at the University, for reasons beyond his / her control.

Full compliance with epidemiological regulations in both „in-house online” and attendance exams is essential. Cleaning and disinfecting the room after the written exams takes 30 minutes and 5 minutes per student for the oral exams.

Our room capacity has been assessed taking into account the social distancing required under epidemiological regulations and by making the most of our capacity, by put into use of the new building in part and by carefully arranging the dates of the written examinations, the Faculty may conduct written examinations without problems.

Is the student obliged to make up for the practices or parts of practices missed during the semester in the examination period, during the summer break or subsequent semester?

It is the course director’s responsibility to teach the practical knowledge, skills and competencies of the subjects and to control the quality of the teaching. Replacement opportunities and practical skills can and should be provided primarily during the instruction period.

If the course director signed the student's semester, and if the student has received at least a sufficient grade in the given subject, he / she cannot be obliged to make additional subject replacement. However, it is possible that, at the request of either the course director or the student, replacements, specially organized practices, repetitions or even the announcement of new practical electives can be announced at a later date. These initiatives are supported by the Faculty regardless the epidemic situation.

Is there a way for sixth-year students not to have to submit the Booklet for Clinical Skills given the coronavirus situation?

The correctly filled Booklet for Clinical Skills will need to be submitted as before, however, if the student is unable to sign the completion of certain skills, the course director is also entitled to sign instead of the specific supervisor, if the acquisition of the practical elements taught during that course should be certified.

If it is difficult to obtain a signature from abroad, it is possible to submit the lecturer's signature in connection with the skill electronically on a separate sheet, which will be validated by the Registrar’s Office in the student's Booklet for Clinical Skills.

How will the practical exams be held?

The course director’s instructions should be followed, but knowledge, skills and competencies for which there is no suitable study material or no proper practice was done cannot be taken into account during the examinations. Based on the abovementioned reasons it is possible to take a practical exam, but the requirements and the examination methods must be adapted to the actual education by course director. Due to the epidemic situation, the course director may decide that, unlike the planned examination method, he/she will request practical knowledge integrated into the theoretical examination and will not exceptionally hold a separate practical examination or part of an examination.

As a general rule, what was not included in the study material should not be accounted for. Practical skills and competencies can be accounted for to the extent of their teaching and practicality, of course, the theoretical background that is important from a practical point of view can be checked.

How can the necessary practical skills and competencies be acquired despite the epidemic situation?

(1) During the instruction period, the improving epidemic situation may make it possible to fully teach and replace practical parts.
(2) In another subject, taking advantage of the beneficial redundancy of the curriculum.
(3) During professional clinical practices, replacing the competencies not sufficiently practiced during the subject to the extent required by the Booklet for Clinical Skills.
(4) It is also possible to replace the missing practical elements by individual organization (on-call participation, voluntary work), which is confirmed in the Booklet for Clinical Skills.
(5) Optional subjects of practical nature can help in practice at an appropriate level.
(6) If the course directors and students deem it necessary, it is possible to expand the upper limit for certain elective or optional subjects, or even to establish new elective or optional subjects.
(7) In the framework of independent or instructor-assisted practice (autopsy practice, MediSkillsLab practice, practice at the Clinics, etc.)
(8) In workshops organized by students on the weekends.
(9) If the course directors or students consider it necessary, lessons can even be introduced to make up for certain missed practices.

How can student research work be pursued and prepare thesis (or thesis for the Dean’s competition) without entering clinics and wards, checking the medical records, meeting the patients?

Unfortunately, not every student research work and thesis topic can be processed through distance education without any personal contact. However, in most cases the student can be guided towards such methods, data-processing tasks and other works/parts of works that can be done with home office and so the student’s performance can be evaluated as a valuable, autonomous activity. By establishing a sufficient student-consultant interaction the consultant can do a valuable job that will not reduce the quality and independence. If the student has an issue with continuing with the research, he/she should contact the consultant – but if there is time and a possibility – the student may get help to change the thesis topic, if necessary.

Many students would like to have an extended exam period just like in other Hungarian and foreign institutions, so they have a better chance to prepare for the exams more thoroughly? What is the standpoint of the Faculty on that matter?

According to the currently effective regulations and plans, the exam period will take place during the original dates. All should prepare for having the exams according to the original schedule and appointments. In general, the UPMS does not plan to prolong the general 7 weeks long exam period for the 8th, 9th, or 10th week in the future. The Faculty has established the extraordinary exam period week in August due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which for those students who have been involved in the pandemic at a disadvantage, can apply to through Neptun. More information on that will be available on the Registrar’s Office website at the end of the exam period. Further extension of the exam period does not seem to be necessary on the basis of the current situation of the pandemic and also the beginning of the summer practice period, the scheduled start of the rotational year and also the summer work schedule of the professors and administrative staff are objections for a possible extension. All students must take their exams in the 7 weeks long exam period, to deviate from this is only possible for students who were obstructed by the pandemic and it is supported by proper documents. We do suggest for all students to pro-actively organise and schedule the exams as early as possible and we do kindly ask for having the spaces at the end of the exam period free for those students who have difficulties with studying.

What changes will there be in the practical part of the final closing examination (state exam)?

Similar changes are expected in the practical part of the oral final exam to the solutions applied in the final exams of the rotational year. Based on the decision of the Head of the Final Closing Examination Committee, accordingly to the effective pandemic safety measures of the clinic, the practical exams can be conducted without personal patient contact, but by all means the practical knowledge and skills will be checked and will be assessed with a partial grade in accordance with tradition. The closest possible solution to the usual order is recommended. 

If I am unable to complete an elective subject (e.g., Clinical block practice) because it requires attending clinics, will the credit taken up in this way lower the scholarship average?

Students who are unable to complete the Clinical block practice because of the epidemiological state of emergency and cannot have volunteer work recognised, will have the opportunity to drop the subject until 14th May 2021. But for each elective subject, we strive to implement the planned curriculum so that students can earn credits.

What epidemiological safety measures must be followed during the examinations?

We must not forget that the corona virus is still present amongst us and we must pay attention to safety. 

Independently of being vaccinated or not one is acting responsible if wearing a face mask to protect his/her health and others.

Preceding and post exams and after touching commonly used utensils and tools, after using public bathrooms we must not forget to wash our hands and use hand sanitizers. Disinfection of all surfaces in contact with students and other involved persons (chairs, tables, floors, etc.) is obligatory and hand sanitizer must be provided for students, examiners, and administrative staff.

In the public social areas of the building the headcount must be limited in a way that 1.5 meters of social distancing can be maintained.

In the bathrooms, soaps and hand sanitizers must be continuously supplied and disposable hand towels must be provided, which after use, must be thrown into a closed and stuffed bin.

Our main and common goal between students, professors and administrative staff is to behave according to safety measures.

In case of elective and optional subjects why is there a possibility of online exams if online exams are less valuable?

Obligatory subjects are the base of the Faculty’s curriculum, they provide a guarantee that during the training the students complete all necessary conditions outlined in the Training and Qualification Requirements. The elective and optional subjects are helping and broading the student’s preparedness, but the exams in those subjects do not substantially affect the value of the diploma.

Shouldn’t an online instruction period be followed by online exams, and an attendance instruction period by attendance exams?

The highest quality of both the instruction and the exam period is generally expected from attendance education. Therefore, we must aim for the greatest possible amount of attendance education as long as it is allowed by the epidemiological situation and the regulations. The on-site in person and online solution of the instruction- and exam period is not closely related.

However, it is important, that following the mostly online taught semester the evaluation during exams should be carried out based on the actual material strongly related to the curriculum, which really could have been acquired by students during the semester. This means that some practical exams will be implemented in different ways by the course directors (e.g.: including practical questions into theoretical exams, organizing practical exams at the MediSkillsLab, instead of patient examination other ways of evaluation that do not require patient contact).

Shouldn’t a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences be more careful than anyone else in an epidemiological situation?

A reasonable and necessary degree of caution is desirable. The necessary and proportional level of restrictions are determined by regulations set by government agencies on the basis of the opinion of prominent health professionals in every state. Even with extreme caution infections may occur, especially during and epidemic. Therefore, it is necessary to fully comply with the protective regulations, reminding and warning others about the same.

Why the UPMS does not announce distant medical education based on the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, thus approaching the implementation of global training?

Although our Faculty has gained significant experience in distance education and communication, it cannot be said that the Faculty could claim distance learning accreditation. On the other hand, the nature of the training also makes it important to maintain attendance components even if a not insignificant part of the practical education can be carried out in high quality online. The field of medical and health sciences training requires personal communication, personal presence, the practice of teamwork, and the basic practice of independent patient examination and treatment.

Why is it necessary to conduct attendance education and examination, why restaurants, cinemas, theatres, public transportations reopen even though the epidemic is still going on?

The intensity and tendencies of the epidemic are closely monitored by the competent specialists and state authorities, and the level of restrictions, measures and precautions are adjusted day by day accordingly. However, the functioning of society is an important aspect, as well as the continuation of higher education at a high quality. Careful consideration of benefits and risks is only partly an individual task, but individuals can do much to protect themselves and others.

Is it possible that the change of the epidemiological situation would require further restrictions or the change of the exam strategy?

Yes, in case a new wave of epidemics occurs, the relevant epidemiological regulations must be complied with. And then, once the epidemic has ended, it is important to withdraw the restrictions gradually as soon as possible. If justified by epidemiological emergency regulations, our Faculty will change its teaching and examination strategy and together with the other Faculties, seek for any appropriate, proportionate compromises in accordance with the provisions.

The Faculty has experience with partial distance education and examination of the spring and fall semesters. If it was possible to teach / examine this way during these semesters, why it cannot be continued?

Our trainings can tolerate a limited period of online education without significant loss of value, as practical training elements, skills and competencies can be acquired at several points within other subjects or at professional practices as well.

Doesn’t the current intensity of the epidemic require fully online education and examinations?

No, currently the epidemic has a decreasing intensity, while the vaccination rate of the population is increasing. A year ago, due to the epidemiological situation, students could not enter the premises of the university, so there was hardly any opportunity for attendance education and examinations, therefore the Faculty was forced to take online examinations. Maintaining this on a permanent basis is neither practical, nor included in the Faculty’s plans.

Why is an online exam less valuable than an attendance exam?

Although the majority of our students does not seek to achieve excellent results through exam cheating, the temptation and frequency of exam cheating is significantly higher in uncontrolled places of online exams. This can reduce motivation and intensity of preparation, and it is unworthy of students who do not commit exam cheating by their own decision and work hard for their exam results. Quality online exams must meet strict criteria and quality assurance for equivalence (multi-step identification process, exam site monitoring, control of the examinee's computer, monitoring of computer use, a multi-step proof procedure in case of suspected exam cheating, use of question types more appropriate to the online situation, "open-book" test questions, planning and timing of test series), which is not yet fully provided at our Faculty.

Does the Faculty make it obligatory for examiners to provide preparation time for students taking oral examinations?

The Faculty does not make it obligatory to provide preparation time, but it recommends that all course directors, apart from epidemiological regulations, shall return to the usual, pre-epidemic examination methods at the given department. Accordingly, most oral attendance and "in-house online" exams will provide an opportunity for preparation and elaboration of the exam questions. With the planned examination methods, students are provided a safe preparation time by minimizing the possibility of exam cheating.

In case the student is not going to cheat at the exams, is not the online and the offline exam equivalent?

In higher education in-person on-site exams are qualified to be acceptable. Even the exams of universities providing distance education are mostly held at controlled sites or are organized in-person on-site. Online examination worsens the quality of the evaluation or may make it significantly heterogeneous, and its quality assurance and technical conditions are strict. At the moment UPMS does not meet these requirements.

Despite of the technical development of the online distance written examinations, the quality of these exams are considered to be inferior according to international and Hungarian ratings, which cannot be significantly improved by technical equipment (diverse placing of multiple cameras, visibility of hands during exam, closing the eyes upon answering questions, „safe” exam browsers, use of proctoring software etc.)

Why prevention of exam cheating is more important than preserving the good health of students and staff?

Both are important. Prevention of exam cheating has to be attained by well-prepared personal exams, continuously improved exam questions, state of the art, uniform and transparent teaching material, and good course -requirement system, preserving health has to be assured by strictly following pandemic regulations.

What can the student do if he/she cannot get to the place of professional practice due to restrictions of pandemic (quarantine measures, traveling restrictions)?

The accessibility of practice place must be carefully considered in the process of choosing the place even independently from the pandemic. Organizing the travelling and managing the possible applicable waiting and quarantine periods are the student’s responsibility.

In case these problems are foreseeable, the student may decide to complete the practice as originally planned or at another place.

Which are the main aspects of choosing and completing the professional practices in the present period of pandemic?

(1) It is reasonable to choose a place where all the elements of the professional practice requirements may be completed.

(2) Practices should be completed at accredited teaching hospitals and teaching departments if possible, but during the pandemic it is possible to do them at non-accredited practice places in case the institution can provide the practice according to the professional requirements of the faculty.

(3) It is recommended to complete the practice within the optimal, suggested number of working days, but it is possible to complete the professional practice in longer period as well.

During the pandemic the Faculty may also accept the practice completion based on the certified number of completed hours which might be necessary in case of hindrance, pandemic restraint, quarantine, or illness.

(4) Practices should be performed generally within labour-time since active studying is possible mostly in this period of day. However due to the pandemic it is possible to consider on-duty periods and weekend days in case the student can participate in prime quality professional activities even in these periods.

(5) In hospitals abroad there are more obstacles and there is a bigger chance for being unable to complete the practice due to the pandemic. In this case the student could select an alternative hospital which is professionally also acceptable.

(6) For the completion of the 33-week rotational year professional practices, the students have plus 11 weeks. This gives enough possibility to handle the obstacles with travelling and to handle the quarantine rules.

What are the facilitations regarding the exams considering the COVID-19 pandemic?

(1) If a student is not able to participate in an exam because of the pandemic, then his or her absence is considered certified, the student does not lose the exam chance and has the possibility to register for a later exam.

(2) Professors announced more written and oral exam dates, than usually required.

(3) For those students who were negatively affected by the pandemic (students who performed assigned or voluntary work during the instruction- or exam period, who have/had COVID 19 infection and have a medical final report about it) there will be an extended semester with an extraordinary exam period in August, which gives opportunity to register for one or two exams.

(4) For students infected with COVID-19 during the exam period and unable to participate in exams for a longer period, by an individual investigation an individual decision will be made.

(5) For this current, normal exam period there is also an extraordinary Dean’s equity which the students could use referring to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For what does the extraordinary exam period in August give opportunity?

If a student is highly disadvantaged and negatively affected by the pandemic, it gives a chance to register for one or two exams. The extraordinary exam week is not suitable for the full replacement of the exam period. Even for the negatively affected students we still suggest using their chances and fulfill their exams within the normal exam period.

What are the possible facilitations if a student did not get the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine?

The vaccination or the lack of it, cannot base any advantage or disadvantage in educational point of view. We ask students who haven’t received any vaccination yet to comply with the epidemiological regulations, they can’t be disadvantaged due to their vaccination status.

If a student belongs to an epidemiologically high-risk group regarding COVID-19 infections, he/she can tell this fact to the course directors and if the technical conditions are given, course director has the possibility to provide increased protection (for example  „in-house online” exam,  sitting in a greater distance from other students).

Student must inform the course director about his/her high-risk status before the exam period.

What can a student do if he/she does not want to take part at the exam period in this semester due to his/her high-risk health status and/or the lack of the vaccination?

We recommend for students, regardless of their vaccination status to take part in the exam period according to the original plans with full compliance of the safety epidemiologic regulations and with high level of caution.

What rules do apply to the students regularly learning in the buildings of the University?

They must comply with the epidemiological regulations (only being in the building for the necessary duration, staying home and ask for medical help in case of fever or other symptoms of infection, avoid group meetings, use face mask, keep distance, wash hands regularly, use disinfectant, disinfect shared tools and devices, keep distance and hygiene regulations when using restrooms) and they must help and warn others to keep these regulations as well.

In what situation can a student take off his/her mask within the buildings of the University?

We recommend that students should continuously wear face masks in commonly and publicly used areas and spaces.

You can take off your mask during your meal, however it is a good practice and polite towards others, if you leave the building during your meals. It is important to warn fellow students to properly use the mask in order to avoid further spread of the epidemic, so the buildings could be kept open for all citizens of the University.

How is it possible that one of the students has received the vaccination against COVID 19 and others have not?

For the sake of the clinical professional practices the government provided the possibility of getting the vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 for students in the field of medical and health training, therefore a lot of students have already received the vaccination.

All those who were abroad during this period or have decided to take the vaccination later, missed this first wave of vaccination. The Faculty has continuously initiated and supported the full vaccination of teachers and students, but it is yet incomplete, partly due to limited vaccination willingness, special vaccine preference, and partly due to national vaccination priorities.

Can students be disadvantaged if they stay abroad compared to other students at the end of the current instruction period or during the exam period?

Yes. The Faculty was constantly counting with the implementation of higher degree of attendance education in order to achieve optimal standard of practical teaching, which actually effectively took place in a number of subjects. Staying abroad does not allow the students to attend such classes, and the usual absence rules apply to such cases. If someone stays away from attendance classes because he/she is staying abroad, it is considered as an absence and must be made up for.

Students being abroad may also benefit from exam-related facilitations if they are severely disadvantaged by the epidemic.

Can the student undertake voluntary health work during the exam period?

It is possible to start medical work performed only on the basis of a secondment during the examination period, voluntary medical work cannot be started during this time. If the student wishes to continue the earlier initiated voluntary work in the examination period, he / she can do so at own risk and no special examination facilitations apply.

Can volunteer work and the activities assigned to healthcare work be counted into the practices?

Properly documented volunteer work may be included in the student’s practical training. The decision will be made by the course directors in line with the faculty recommendations.

If I am a rotational year student, does volunteer work count as a practice in my training?

Yes. Depending on the duration, it can be included in several practices.

The course director has the possibility to deviate from the faculty recommendations based on the nature of the activity or work and on its relevance towards the subject.

If I am not a rotational year student, how can volunteering count into my training?

It can be included into summer practices or into Clinical Block Practices, either in the given semester (as a subject course or technical credit) but can also be credited to practices or clinical block practices until the end of the following academic year.

Of course, volunteering should not replace or make up practices or practical classes of unrelated subjects such as biophysics or physiology.

Will COVID-19 volunteering abroad count for my course?

Yes. If it certifiably happened in patient care, healthcare, or social areas, it can be counted based on the faculty regulations and the decision of the course director.

If students currently abroad decide to volunteer in healthcare in order to help reduce the pandemic crisis, will their volunteering count for their training?

Yes, if they have a subject in direct connection with patient care in the current or the following academic year. Volunteering abroad must be proven, for example by the hospital director or head of clinical department.

What can students do if they are ordered for healthcare work during the exam period?

The call to action must generally be followed, but according to the statement and recommendation of the ministry, students will only exceptionally be called, or will only be called for one-week periods during the exam period. Personal communication with government officers can help students advocate for their needs, and the proper timing of secondments can lessen the stress of the exam period.

Students taking part in volunteering and secondment will be provided with further exam dates in August by the Faculty. However, we advise that they still try to complete their exams within the regular exam period, regardless of their extra responsibilities.

What allowances can students taking part in healthcare secondment get?

Missed exams during the secondment period are justified. Showing the declaration from the secondment allows them to sign up for a new exam without the help of the course director, it does not count as a missed exam chance. This will be handled by the Registrar’s Office based on the online request of the student towards them and towards the course director.

Course directors can (for oral exams) provide extraordinary exam possibilities as well, with the support of the Faculty (even in the evenings or on weekends).

Students get help based on the following system: (1) every student as usual, (2) every student during COVID-crisis, at a higher level, (3) students on secondment or volunteering or having COVID-19 disease during the current semester, (4) students on secondment or under hospital care due to COVID-19 during exam period, (5) students on secondment or under hospital care due to COVID-19 at the time of an exam.

Volunteer student work cannot be started during the exam period; volunteer student work already in progress can be continued based on the decision of the student but does not make student eligible for level (4) and (5) support and allowances.

Level (2): more exam possibilities if doable, 6 days for written exams, two oral exam days per week in case of lack of student agreement. Rotational year and summer clinical practice can be started regardless. An additional Dean’s equity is still provided to students negatively affected by the pandemic.

Level 3: individually determined help if necessary. Communication with the course director. Extraordinary exam period before the prescheduled exam period of the fall semester in August.

Level 4: Determining new exam date coordinated by the Registrar’s Office, discussed with the course director, more exam date or place than planned earlier.

Level 5: Those mentioned above and the help of the Dean’s Leadership in case of further difficulties.

May the students arriving to Pécs claim for dormitory accommodation?

The Hungarian Student Council of the UPMS, with the Student Council of The University, collects the students’ claims. Those who need accommodation for being able to participate in the exams, may claim the Rector’s Equity on a form.

It is still the student’s responsibility to show up in time at the exams, regardless the accommodation.

Can I travel home in the exam period?

It is the student’s duty to handle problems related to travelling. The security-minded behaviour is acceptable, that the student spends the whole exam period at Pécs.

What should I do if I experience mild infection symptoms during the exam period?

The virus may be contagious even when mild symptoms occur, therefore we ask you to follow the current epidemic protocol if you notice such symptoms. You can find information on the protocol and typical symptoms at .

What shall I do if I would like and be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Most of our students have already received the vaccine, we hope to complete the vaccination of all our students and lecturers in the next two weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to register at the Government’s website.

Is it mandatory to get a PCR test during the exam period?

If symptoms occur or after arriving to Hungary the governmental regulations on testing should be followed. The University does not currently demand specific testing, it is sufficient to keep the epidemiological provisions.

In case a PCR or antigen test will be made mandatory by law, the University of Pécs will provide it. However, it is the students’ duty to bear the costs of testing in connection with travelling to or from abroad.

I am abroad at the moment. When shall I travel to Hungary to be able to take my exams?

Students must travel to Hungary in such a way that they can appear for the exam on time, with the complete fulfilment of the epidemiological obligations, including the period of any quarantine.

Is it possible to held the general medicine, dentistry, and biotechnology graduation ceremonies despite the epidemiological situation?

We plan to held the graduation ceremonies at the usual time when we used to hold them before the pandemic, in the usual manner, with possible restrictions on the presence of relatives in accordance with the epidemiological situation.

What rules are laid down in the Code of Studies and Examinations (TVSZ) regarding online exams?

There are no such rules, because only on-site, attendance exams can be held based on the TVSZ. The possibility of online examination arose as a temporary measure during the period when students were not allowed to visit the university buildings.

What conditions can the course director impose for participating in the exam?

(1) Students can only attend the exam in a healthy, infection-free condition.

(2) Body temperature measurement is possible. A student with high body temperature cannot take the exam.

(3) A regular surgical mask covering the nose and mouth is required.

(4) Whether the student is vaccinated cannot constitute an advantage or a disadvantage during the examination, nor may it be imposed as a condition for the examination.

Can the student record a video of the exam during the in-house online exam?

No. The teacher is required to record the in-house online oral exam to document and clarify any technical issues that may arise during the exam and to ensure a fraud-free exam as far as possible. The student consents to the recording by making an oral statement. If the student does not explicitly consent to this, the student will be provided with a traditional attendance exam at the same or later semester.

What are the rules for in-house online exams?

The rules are similar to the faculty rules for examinations that had been applicable before the pandemic.

The student can only bring into the exam room the electronic devices necessary for the exam, determined by the course director and approved if necessary.

It is best to leave devices not used directly during the exam at home or in a designated area outside the exam room switched-off.

The student is not allowed to make video and / or audio recordings during the exams, nor can the student use unauthorized aids.

General rules for in-person exams for pandemic protection

  1. Pre-triage is allowed before the start of exams (measurement of body temperature, declaration).
  2. Proper use of surgical mask is mandatory for everyone (student, examiner, room supervisor, etc.).
  3. Rooms must be sanitized, cleaned, and aired out for every exam.
  4. Hand sanitizers must be placed on corridors and at the room entrances. Their use must be encouraged.
  5. Arrival of students must be timed as precisely as possible, with pre-determined waiting areas to reduce crowding.
  6. Keeping appropriate safety distance, taking this into consideration for exam and seating arrangements.

What are the possible examination methods?

I. Traditional, in-person: exams happen similarly to the way they did before the pandemic.

II. In-house online: Exam happen on the already known online platforms (Teams, Moodle, Unipoll, etc.), but students have to be on campus. The exam room can be clinical or in a department but can take place in other supervised university environments as well.

III. Distant online: Exams happen on the known online platforms, the student can be anywhere where the necessary technical needs are met, the environment is calm and safe, and the possibilities for cheating are minimal (for elective and optional subjects).

What are the possibilities for in-person written exams?

  1. Traditional, in-person written exam:
    • The written exam happens on paper, the way it did before the pandemic.
    • The time needed to sanitize, air out and clean the exam room is about 30 minutes, this should be taken into consideration with the number of students.
    • Arrival and seating of students must be organized in accordance with pandemic regulations.
  2. In-house online exam:
    • The in-house online exams are similar to traditional in-person written exams with the only difference being that the students are taking the exam on the already known and PTE-supported Neptun Unipoll or other, quality online written exam platforms (MS Teams, Moodle or other).
    • The time students need to be seated and turn on their electronic devices, log into the exam platform and handle possible technical issues must be considered during exam organization.
    • Students can use their own devices, but they must appear on the set location and date.
    • The examiner must ensure the presence of such persons at the location of the exam who are able to provide proper help to the students.
    • During the seating it is important to pay attention to distancing.
    • It is recommended to check internet connection and electricity access prior to the beginning of the exam.

What are the possibilities for in-person oral exams?

A. Traditional in-person oral exam:

  1. The method of examination is the same as before the pandemics while complying with the epidemiological measures.
  2. Scheduled arrival of the students is recommended to avoid grouping.
  3. Frequent sanitization and ventilation of the examination rooms are recommended.
  4. During the student’s preparation time, at the determination of the number of students in the room the distancing rules must be applied.

B. In-house online oral exam:

  1. Students must turn up at the location of the University set by the examiner and must login with his / her ID on the defined online platform using the device provided by the Faculty/ Institute/ Clinic. Microsoft Teams is recommended but any other videoconference platform (e.g. Zoom) is acceptable.
  2. The examiner should provide a proper and tranquil environment for himself/ herself with appropriate technical devices, stable internet connection.
  3. The scheduled arrival of the students is recommended to avoid grouping.
  4. During the exam supervision must be provided to identify the student, to provide technical help and to notice in case the student uses a not allowed aid.
  5. The exam day can be organized in such way, that instead of requiring from each student an individual log-in procedure with personal password, only the supervisor would log-in at the beginning of the exam and would ensure a continuous online status for everyone until the end of the exam. The verification of identity can be done either with the usual methods (personal check via supervisor), or the examiner can check the identity of the student at the beginning of the exam by requesting to show a personal ID. In this way a similar circumstance could be created as at in-person examinations and the efficiency can increase (a continuous flow of the examination is possible minimizing the time-loss by waiting for the next student to log-in; a set preparation time is offered in accordance with the institute’s pre-epidemic practice, etc.). It is strongly recommended to perform a video recording of the examination.
  6. In case of in-house online oral exam, a set preparation time can be ensured, using the method mentioned at point 5.

How and in which case will be possible to organize a distant exam?

  1. Distant exam is only possible in case of optional and elective subjects.
  2. We ask to follow the “Recommendation” document for this type of exam.

How will be the exam date chosen and how can I register for it?

  1. The course director has the possibility to offer a grade considering the student’s performance during the mid-semester tests conducted according to the course description. (CSE, Annex 2., Article 2, (§6) When setting up the exam dates, it is advisable to consider those accepted grades in order to reduce the total number of students during the exam period.
  2. To determine the exam slots per day in case of written exam, it is advisable to consider the type of the exam and the technical conditions. (taking into account the specific organizational aspects of In-person/ in-house/ distant online- exam types, the amount and capacity of available rooms, the stability of the IT-program used for written exams, etc.)
  3. A longer than usual duration of each exam should be calculated for both in-house online and presence exams, compared to the pre-epidemic conditions. (less direct communication, the examiner needs more time, more questions to be convinced about the professional knowledge of the student, technical difficulties and the compliance with epidemiological regulations – entering, sitting, cleaning, ventilation – may prolong examination time.)

Which information should be given to the students before the exam?

Regulations for arrival to in-person and in-house online exams in accordance with pandemic regulations:

  • Call to compliance with the current pandemic regulations.
  • Information to be announced to students regarding in-house online exam organization:
    • devices required for exams must be provided by the students;
    • students must arrive for the exam with fully charged and reliable devices;
    • students must leave all electronic devices not used for the exam at home, or outside the exam room or turned off (mobile phone, tablet, etc.);
    • in order to keep the Wi-Fi connection stable, running applications other than the exam platform and exam programs is forbidden;
    • Wi-Fi passwords;
    • the availability of wall outlets;
    • availability and duration of preparation time;
    • exam procedures;
    • naming and providing the contacts of the person in case of technical issues;
    • do students have to be logged in one by one to the exam platform, or is there constant online examiner supervision
  • Students have to keep their personal identification on them at all times, similarly to traditional exams. They have to show this to the examiner if they are asked during any time of the exam.
  • All other information needed for successful exams. Further help for this is available in the Recommendations.

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