Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
Department of Public Health Medicine -
Vorlesungen: 7
Praktika: 7
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 14
- Kode des Kurses: OAA-BML-T
- 1 kredit
- General Medicine
- Basic modul
- autumn
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 24
The subject analyses the factors influencing disease development, investigates the social and economic factors playing role in the health prevention. Represents the health care systems to introduce the students into this organisation, in where they should work later. Furthermore analyses some certain social group’s special health problems from the health prevention point of view.
After Public Health 6 the students must take a public health final exam which includes the material of all the Public Health subjects (Public Health 1 - 6).
- 1. Global public health situation. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 2. The definition of health and disease. Health determinants. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 3. Public Health. The basics of disease prevention. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 4. The role of social factors in disease development. - Marek Erika Mária
- 5. Health promotion. Health education. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 6. Mother and child health. - Lohner Szimonetta Ivett
- 7. Health policy. - Girán János
- 1. Levels of prevention.
- 2. Measurement of anthropometric parameters.
- 3. Health problems of the elderly
- 4. Rehabilitation, chronic nursing care, hospice
- 5. Special health situation of minorities
- 6. Special health situation of handicapped persons
- 7. Health problems of the youth.
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Edit Paulik: Public Health and Preventive Medicine; Medicina Publishing House, Budapest 2013.
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Educational material uploaded on PotePedia.
Empfohlene Literatur
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Participation in practicals is obligatory which is registered. Absences should not exceed 2x45 min. Otherwise signature of grade book is denied.
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
Students may attend the practical of another group on the same week. Pre-consultation with practical leader is needed.
Topic list:
1. Global public health situation.
2. Trends and tendencies related to morbidity, mortality and the health care system in the 21. century.
3. Public Health. The basics of disease prevention.
4. The definition of health and disease.
5. Health determinants.
6. Educational status and income: their effects on disease development
7. The role of social factors in disease development (excluding educational status and income)
8. Health promotion.
9. Preventive tasks related to maternity and pregnancy
10. Neonatal health.
11. Health policy.
12. Levels of prevention.
13. Role of obesity and physical inactivity in disease development
14. Role of smoking and alcohol consumption in disease development
15. Health problems of the elderly (epidemiological characteristics and aging theories)
16. Health problems of the elderly (physiological characteristics, possibilities of prevention, primary, secondary prevention)
17. Rehabilitation, chronic nursing care, hospice
18. Special health situation of minorities
19. Special health situation of migrants, public health aspects
20. Special health situation of homeless people, public health aspects
21. Special health situation of handicapped persons, possibilities of prevention (mobility and sensory impairments)
22. Special health situation of handicapped persons, possibilities of prevention (intellectual disability)
23. Organization of childhood and youth health, age specific epidemiological characteristics
24. Childhood and youth health (drug use, risks of sexual behaviour, mental health, causes of violent death)
- Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
- Berényi Károly
- Bőszné Murányi Edit
- Girán János
- Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- Kiss Zsuzsanna (Orsós Zsuzsanna)
- Szendi Katalin
Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen
- Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
- Berényi Károly
- Bőszné Murányi Edit
- Girán János
- Marek Erika Mária
- Németh Balázs
- Szenczi Ágnes Ilona
- Virág Márk
- Zand Afshin