Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
Department of Public Health Medicine -
Vorlesungen: 7
Praktika: 7
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 14
- Kode des Kurses: OAK-MUF-T
- 1 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- spring
OAK-REP-T finished
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5
The aim of the subject is to present the basics of occupational medicine and major risk factors in work environment and possibilities of prevention of occupational diseases.
After Public Health 6 the students must take a public health final exam which includes the material of all the Public Health subjects (Public Health 1 - 6).
- 1.
Organization and levels of occupational health services.
Labour safety.
- Gyöngyi Zoltán - 2.
Psychosocial and biological hazards, with particular reference to health care workers.
Occupational accidents.
- Gyöngyi Zoltán - 3. Chemical hazards. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 4. Occupational toxicology; chemical safety. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 5. Occupational cancers I. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 6. Occupational cancers II. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 7.
Physical risk factors.
- Szabó István (Népeg)
- 1. Increased exposures at workplace and risk assessment I. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 2. Increased exposures at workplace and risk assessment II. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 3. Genotoxicity laboratory practical I. - Szendi Katalin
- 4. Genotoxicity laboratory practical II. - Szendi Katalin
- 5. Toxicology of solid particles.
- 6. Ergonomics.
- 7. Medical and occupational health aspects of migration and disasters
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Edit Paulik: Public Health and Preventive Medicine; Medicina Publishing House, Budapest 2013.
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Educational material uploaded on PotePedia.
Empfohlene Literatur
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Participation in practicals is obligatory which is registered.
Absences should not exceed 2x45 min. Otherwise signature of grade book is denied.
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
Students may attend the practical of another group on the same week. Pre-consultation with practical leader is needed.
After Public Health 6 the students must take a public health final exam which includes the material of all the Public Health subjects (Public Health 1 - 6).
Public Health Final Exam
1. History and objectives of public health
2. Definition of health and disease
3. Determinants of health
4. Social risk factors
5. Levels of prevention
6. Health promotion
7. Health politics
8. Maternal and newborn health
9. Child and adolescent health
10. Health concerns of elderly. Aging societies
11. Minorities: Health issues and disparities
12. Health issues and disparities of people living with disabilities
13. Evidence-based medicine and prevention
14. History and objectives of epidemiology
15. Causation in epidemiology: association and causation
16. Epidemiological indicators I: indicators of disease frequency and population impact of a disease
17. Epidemiological indicators II: definition and measures of relative risk and odds ratio
18. Standardization
19. Epidemiological studies: parameters, design
20. Descriptive epidemiological studies, cross-sectional studies
21. Ecological studies. Immigrant studies
22. Case-control studies
23. Cohort studies
24. Experimental (interventional) epidemiological studies
25. Meta-analysis, systematic review
26. Errors and bias in epidemiological studies
27. Confounders, effect modifiers and possibilities for elimination
28. Molecular epidemiology
29. Basic principles of screening
30. Optional and mandatory screening
31. Demography: definition, methods, data sources
32. Demographic indicators: measures of mortality
33. Demographic indicators: measures describing population groups. Population pyramids
34. Demographic indicators: measures of birth and fertility
35. Role of nutrition in prevention of cardiovascular diseases
36. Role of nutrition in prevention of cancers
37. Principles of healthy diet
38. Epidemiology of malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies
39. Dietary guidelines
40. Special nutritional considerations: vegetarianism
41. Special nutritional considerations: Mediterranean diet, DASH- (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet
42. Special nutritional considerations: trendy diets
43. Assessment of nutritional status, nutritional screening
44. Dietary supplements and functional foods
45. Food additives
46. Food safety, food safety testing
47. Chemoprevention
48. Genetically modified organisms
49. Interaction of environmental and genetic factors in disease development
50. Genomics and epigenetics in public health. Nutrigenomics
51. Molecular basics of carcinogenesis
52. Primary and secondary factors of epidemic process (virulence, source of infection, means of transmission, susceptible host)
53. Nosocomial infections. Sterilization, disinfection
54. Infectious diseases worldwide
55. Prevention of infectious diseases: vaccination, chemoprophylaxis
56. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases, mandatory immunisation for children
57. Epidemiology and prevention of airborne bacterial infections
58. Epidemiology and prevention of airborne viral infections
59. Characteristics, types, occurrence and prevention of enteric infections
60. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric bacterial infections
61. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric viral infections
62. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric helminth and protozoon infections
63. Epidemiology and prevention of viral hepatitides
64. Epidemiology and prevention of haematogenic and lymphogenic infections
65. Epidemiology and prevention of infections transmitted through the skin
66. Epidemiology and prevention of zoonotic helminth and bacterial infections
67. Epidemiology and prevention of zoonotic protozoon and viral infections
68. Epidemiology and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (excluding AIDS)
69. Epidemiology and prevention of AIDS
70. Epidemiology and prevention of prion diseases
71. New infectious diseases. Bioterrorism
72. Importance of non-communicable diseases in developed countries (mortality, morbidity, trends)
73. Epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease
74. Main modifiable risk factors of coronary heart disease
75. Other modifiable risk factors of coronary heart disease
76. Risk factors of coronary heart disease (excluding main and other modifiable risk factors)
77. Epidemiology and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases
78. Epidemiology and prevention of hypertension
79. Cardiovascular diseases: risk assessment and prevention
80. Morbidity and mortality of malignant diseases
81. Role of infectious diseases in tumour development
82. Risk factors of malignant diseases
83. Screening of malignant diseases
84. Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer
85. Epidemiology and prevention of colorectal cancer
86. Epidemiology and prevention of breast cancer
87. Epidemiology and prevention of prostate and cervix cancer
88. Epidemiology and prevention of liver-, pancreas- and gastric cancer
89. Epidemiology and prevention of head and neck cancers and skin cancers
90. Epidemiology and prevention of diabetes
91. Epidemiology and prevention of obesity
92. Epidemiology and prevention of osteoporosis
93. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
94. Epidemiology and prevention of asthma
95. Epidemiology and prevention of allergic rhinitis
96. Epidemiology and prevention of hepatic cirrhosis
97. Epidemiology and prevention of ulcer disease
98. Epidemiology and prevention of inflammatory bowel diseases
99. Epidemiology and prevention of suicide
100. Epidemiology and prevention of depression and mood disorders
101. Epidemiology and prevention of anxiety disorders
102. Epidemiology and prevention of schizophrenia and dementias
103. Epidemiology and prevention of addictions
104. Recommended and compulsory screening methods for non-communicable diseases (excluding cancers)
105. Basic principles of ecology. Human environment, human ecology.
106. Health effects of global environmental issues
107. Air pollutants and their health effects
108. Health effects of microbiological and chemical water pollutants, water quality testing
109. Health effects of soil contamination. Health effects and management of waste water, wastes and hazardous wastes
110. Risk assessment, management and communication
111. Occupational toxicology, chemical safety
112. Occupational cancers
113. Physical hazards: disorders caused by noise and vibration and their prevention
114. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of organic compounds
115. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of inorganic compounds
116. Psychosocial and biological hazards in the workplace
117. Health effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations
118. Ergonomic factors. Health effects of inorganic and organic dusts and their prevention
119. Occupational diseases of health care workers and prevention. Occupational accidents.
120. Migration and catastrophes, medical and occupational health considerations
- Gyöngyi Zoltán
- Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- Szendi Katalin
- Varga Csaba (Népeg)
Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen
- Gyöngyi Zoltán
- Katz Zoltán
- Marek Erika Mária
- Szabó István (Népeg)
- Szendi Katalin
- Szilárd István
- Varga Csaba (Népeg)