Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
Department of Public Health Medicine -
Vorlesungen: 24
Praktika: 0
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 24
- Kode des Kurses: OAF-HPR-T
- 2 kredit
- General Medicine
- Optional modul
- both
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 20
Health promotion is intimately related not only to preventive medicine, but to the everyday practice of physicians as well. A considerable part of noninfectious diseases is preventable, morbidity and mortality of these illnesses are decreasable by the implementation of effective intervention.
- 1. Definitions of health. Health and its relation to everyday life. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 2. Theoretical background of health promotion. Salutogenesis and pathogenesis. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 3. Health promotion and health education. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 4. Basic documents of health promotion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 5. Methods of health promotion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 6. Measuring of results in health promotion activities. Evidence based health promotion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 7. Health promotion and health policy. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 8. Lalonde model. Health in all policies (HiAP). - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 9. Multisectorality. Stakeholders. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 10. Health Impact Assessment (HIA). - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 11. Health promotion in communities. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 12. Health planning. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 13. SWOT-analysis. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 14. Personal health planning. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 15. Effective health promotion in settings (schools) - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 16. Effective health promotion in settings (work places) - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 17. Health Promoting Universities. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 18. Actuality and possibilities of the concept of Health Promoting Universities. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 19. Methods of mental health promotion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 20. Promotion of positive mental health and possibilities of prevention of mental disorders. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 21. Mental health policy. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 22. Role of physicians in the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 23. Complex health promotion programs. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 24. Examples for effective health promotion activities. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Education material on Neptun / in Teams
Empfohlene Literatur
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Neptun Meet Street
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
There are no make-up classes
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