Migration Health Aspects in the Primary Health Care


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025


  • Marek Erika Mária

    associate professor,
    Department of Public Health Medicine


Vorlesungen: 24

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 24


  • Kode des Kurses: OXF-MGA-h-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Optional modul
  • spring


Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 20

Erreichbar als Campus-Kurs für . Campus-karok: ETK


The course will provide the baseline information and knowledge about the health assistance of migrants and refugees with various ethnic, cultural and religious background, arriving into the European Union from third countries.


  • 1.

    Definition of migration as global phenomenon. Migration health as a new interdisciplinary field of health- and medical sciences.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 2.

    Definition of migration as global phenomenon. Migration health as a new interdisciplinary field of health- and medical sciences.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 3.

    Migration related health challenges: Morbidity profile of countries of origin versus countries of destination and re-emerge of forgotten diseases.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 4.

    Migration related health challenges: Morbidity profile of countries of origin versus countries of destination and re-emerge of forgotten diseases.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 5.

    Baseline concept, design and management of Migrant Sensitive Health Care Systems, and migrant-sensitive primary health care systems (PHC). Migration health programs of the WHO, ECDC and EU.

    - Szilárd István
  • 6.

    Baseline concept, design and management of Migrant Sensitive Health Care Systems, and migrant-sensitive primary health care systems (PHC). Migration health programs of the WHO, ECDC and EU.

    - Szilárd István
  • 7. Migrants and refugees health assistance related legislation in Hungary and in the European Union - Katz Zoltán
  • 8. Migrants and refugees health assistance related legislation in Hungary and in the European Union - Katz Zoltán
  • 9. Migration related health challenges: Differences in the health care systems and primary health care models of countries of origin versus countries of destination - Goolesorkhi Kia
  • 10. Migration related health challenges: Differences in the health care systems and primary health care models of countries of origin versus countries of destination - Goolesorkhi Kia
  • 11.

    Mental health aspects in the care of migrants in primary care

    - Hárdi Lilla
  • 12.

    Mental health aspects in the care of migrants in primary care

    - Hárdi Lilla
  • 13. How to run primary health care praxis in multicultural environment - Kürthy Dániel
  • 14. How to run primary health care praxis in multicultural environment - Kürthy Dániel
  • 15. Family Medicine type health care provision for migrants and refugees - Crivellariné Kutnyánszky Valéria
  • 16. Family Medicine type health care provision for migrants and refugees - Crivellariné Kutnyánszky Valéria
  • 17. Palliative health care provision in multicultural environment - Crivellariné Kutnyánszky Valéria
  • 18. Palliative health care provision in multicultural environment - Crivellariné Kutnyánszky Valéria
  • 19. Patients-physicians communication in multicultural environment - Marek Erika Mária
  • 20. Patients-physicians communication in multicultural environment - Marek Erika Mária
  • 21. The most shadowed site of irregular migration: recognizing victims of trafficking in human beings and arranging their rehabilitation; Cooperation with law-enforcement bodies and humanitarian organizations - Szilárd István
  • 22. The most shadowed site of irregular migration: recognizing victims of trafficking in human beings and arranging their rehabilitation; Cooperation with law-enforcement bodies and humanitarian organizations - Szilárd István
  • 23. Semester closing, exam - Marek Erika Mária
  • 24. Semester closing, exam - Marek Erika Mária



Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

o Katz Z. és mts: Migránsok körében előforduló egyes fertőzőbetegségek a befogadó állomásokon végzett szűrővizsgálatok tükrében - Népegészségügy 2015

o Klenner Zoltán: A Magyarországon élő külföldiek egészségügyi ellátása, valamint az ide érkezők egészségügyi szűrése; Népegészségügy 2015

o A. Rundle, M. Carvalho, M. Robinson. Cultural Competence in Health Care: A Practical Guide 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-0-7879-6221-0

o G.A. Galanti. Caring for Patients from Different Cultures 5th Edition, ISBN 9780812223118

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff


Empfohlene Literatur

o Szilard I. et al (editor and co-author): The Mental Health Aspect of Trafficking in Human Beings. Training Manual. Budapest, 2004 IOM.

o Szilard I., Barath A.: Public Health Aspects of Trafficking in Human Beings: Health Promotion and Prevention Tasks and Possibilities In: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; a handbook for teachers, researchers, health professionals and decision makers. p. 670 - 693 Hans Jacobs Publishing Company 2007 Germany and FYRM

o Szilárd I és mts: Migrációhoz kapcsolódó új kihívások az egészségügyi munkaerőpiacon, Népegészségügy, 2012;90(2):115-121

o Bhopal RS. Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health in Multicultural Societies. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press; 2014.

o Szilard I, Barath, A: Trafficked Persons and Mental Health in: Violence and Mental Health - its Manifold Faces, Ed.: J. Lindert, I. Levav, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015, pp. 243 - 266

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Active participation at lectures (85% at least), and successful completition of the final written test.


According to the University Exam Code and Code of Ethics of the Department of Operational Department

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

According to the University Exam Code and Code of Ethics of the Department of Operational Department


For the completion of the course students will sit for a test exam.


Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen