Fashion Diets – Fashionable Diets Review


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025


  • Lelovics Zsuzsanna

    associate professor,
    Department of Public Health Medicine


Vorlesungen: 12

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 12


  • Kode des Kurses: OSF-DDI-T
  • 1 kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Optional modul
  • spring


Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 20

Erreichbar als Campus-Kurs für . Campus-karok: ÁOK ÁJK BTK GYTK TTK


With the increasing rate of obesity worldwide, new fad diets are regularly appearing alongside healthy weight loss diets. Weight loss diets that are considered healthy are characterised by being free of extremes, trying to maintain the proportions of the dietary recommendations, encouraging moderate weight reduction. In contrast, fad diets tend to have a specific, defining character that makes them clearly distinguishable from general dietary habits and dietary recommendations accepted in nutrition science, and their spread is fashionably rapid. It is not uncommon for a fad diet to be associated with a person who is known as its founder, its 'inventor' - whether or not they are a specialist in nutrition science, although, more often, they are not. Specialists are careful to take into account the physiological needs of the body, ratio of energy-giving nutrients, as well as scientifically proven lifestyle, not ideology. Many fad diets are in vogue among the general public and their popularity grows for a while, before being replaced by newer, more promising ones.


  • 1.

    Introduction. The healthy weight loss diet and its features.

    - Lelovics Zsuzsanna
  • 2.

    The dangers of following and applying extreme trends.

    - Lelovics Zsuzsanna
  • 3.

    Low-carbohydrate diets (e.g. the Atkins diet).

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 4.

    Partitioning diets (split diets, food combining).

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 5.

    Intermitting fasting and time restrictive feeding.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 6.

    High protein diets (e.g. Banting diet).

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 7.

    Low protein diets (e.g. Pitkin diet).

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 8.

    Meal replacements.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 9.

    Mediterrean and DASH diets.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 10.

    Importance of lifestyle and BLUE zone pattern.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 11.

    General characteristics of fad diets.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela
  • 12.

    Characteristics that may lead to the suspicion that a dietary system cannot be accepted without criticism. Summary, questions, discussion.

    - Nemeth Laura Gabriela



Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff




Empfohlene Literatur

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters


Written test.

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

As discussed with the lecturer.


Midsemester grade. No exam in exam period.


Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Nemeth Laura Gabriela