Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Kerényi Monika
associate professor,
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology -
Vorlesungen: 0
Praktika: 28
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 28
- Kode des Kurses: OPO-I2G-T
- 2 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy modul
- spring
OPO-MI1-T finished
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 100
The objective is to provide a solid knowledge of microbiological diagnostic methods, sterility and pyrogenicity tests. By active participation in the practical, students will gain the skill of aseptic technique in microbiology and pharmacology.
- 1. Introduction, safety regulations. The microscope, wet mount and stained preparations - Kerényi Monika
- 2. Introduction, safety regulations. The microscope, wet mount and stained preparations - Kerényi Monika
- 3. Cultivation of bacteria, media and techniques. - Kerényi Monika
- 4. Cultivation of bacteria, media and techniques. - Kerényi Monika
- 5. Identification of bacteria - Tigyi Zoltán
- 6. Identification of bacteria - Tigyi Zoltán
- 7. Serological methods in microbiology. Immunotherapy. - Szereday László
- 8. Serological methods in microbiology. Immunotherapy. - Szereday László
- 9. Molecular methods in clinical microbiology - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 10. Molecular methods in clinical microbiology - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 11. Sterilisation and disinfection, Sterility and pyrogen testing methods. Demonstration of the effect of disinfectants on skin flora - Kocsis Béla
- 12. Sterilisation and disinfection, Sterility and pyrogen testing methods. Demonstration of the effect of disinfectants on skin flora - Kocsis Béla
- 13. Antibiotic sensitivity (Kirby-Bauer method, MIC, MBC, E-test) - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 14. Antibiotic sensitivity (Kirby-Bauer method, MIC, MBC, E-test) - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 15. Antibiotic concentration in body fluids. Detection of enzymes and compounds which neutralize antibiotics. Interactions of antibiotics - Mestyán Gyula
- 16. Antibiotic concentration in body fluids. Detection of enzymes and compounds which neutralize antibiotics. Interactions of antibiotics - Mestyán Gyula
- 17. Diagnosis of bacterial wound infection. Sepsis - blood culture - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 18. Diagnosis of bacterial wound infection. Sepsis - blood culture - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 19. Bacterial diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections - Tigyi Zoltán
- 20. Bacterial diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections - Tigyi Zoltán
- 21. Bacterial diagnosis of urinary tract infections - Kerényi Monika
- 22. Bacterial diagnosis of urinary tract infections - Kerényi Monika
- 23. Bacterial diagnosis of respiratory tract infections - Mestyán Gyula
- 24. Bacterial diagnosis of respiratory tract infections - Mestyán Gyula
- 25. Microbiological diagnosis of fungal and parasitic infections - Mestyán Gyula
- 26. Microbiological diagnosis of fungal and parasitic infections - Mestyán Gyula
- 27.
Methods used in diagnostic virology
- Boros Ákos - 28.
Methods used in diagnostic virology
- Boros Ákos
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Denyer SP ,Hodges NA, Gorman SP, Gilmore BF: Hugo and Russells Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 8th Edition, Blackwell Science Ltd
2018. ISBN: 978-1-119-43449-8
Tim Sandle: Pharmaceutical Microbiology : Essentials for Quality Assurance and Quality Control, ELSEVIER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ,
Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2015 ISBN10 0081000227
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Practical materials on the Teams
Empfohlene Literatur
Dr Patrick R. Murray, Dr Ken S. Rosenthal and Dr Michael A. Pfaller (eds.): Medical Microbiology, 9th edition, Elsevier Saunders 2020 ISBN13 (EAN): 9780323673228
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
End of the course the students will take a lab practice exam.
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
Consultation with supervisor
Exam questions are based on the topic of the practicals.
Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen
- Boros Ákos
- Kerényi Monika
- Kocsis Béla
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka
- Mestyán Gyula
- Schneider György József
- Szereday László
- Tigyi Zoltán
- Zsoldiné Urbán Edit