Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025


  • Vincze Áron Endre

    associate professor,
    1st Department of Internal Medicine


Vorlesungen: 14

Praktika: 28

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 42


  • Kode des Kurses: OAK-GAS-T
  • 3 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Clinical modul
  • autumn

OAP-BPR-T finished , OAK-PH2-T parallel , OAP-KO2-T finished

Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 160


As a subspeciality of internal medicine, gastroenterology training combines a weekly lecture and weekly bedside practice to overview main issues of digestive system disorders, and bedside training to promote skills in physical examination and management of patients with gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and hepatic disorders.


  • 1. Introduction. Esophageal diseases. - Illés Anita
  • 2. Gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. - Szabó Imre (I. Bel)
  • 3. Gastrointestinal bleeding. - Vincze Áron Endre
  • 4. Abdominal emergencies. - Czimmer József
  • 5. Functional gastrointestinal disorders. - Czimmer József
  • 6. Malabsorbtion Diarrhoea. - Bajor Judit
  • 7. Inflammatory bowel diseases. - Vincze Áron Endre
  • 8. Diverticular disease. Premalignant lesions of the colon - Szabó Imre (I. Bel)
  • 9. Chronic viral hepatitis. - Hunyady Béla
  • 10. Non-viral liver injury. - Pár Gabriella
  • 11. Autoimmune hepatitis, PBC, PSC - Pár Gabriella
  • 12. Liver cirrhosis. Hepatic failure. - Hunyady Béla
  • 13. Biliary tract obstruction. Gallstone disease. - Gódi Szilárd
  • 14. Acute and chronic pancreatitis. - Gódi Szilárd


  • 1. History taking, physical examination in patients with GI disorders
  • 2. Reflux disease
  • 3. Peptic ulcer disease
  • 4. Complications of peptic ulcer disease
  • 5. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
  • 6. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
  • 7. Acute abdomen
  • 8. Ileus
  • 9. Functional disorders of the upper GI tract
  • 10. Functional disorders of the lower GI tract
  • 11. Malabsorption
  • 12. Gluten sensitive enteropathy
  • 13. Ulcerative colitis
  • 14. Crohn`s disease
  • 15. Precancerosus conditions in the upper GI tract
  • 16. Precancerosus conditions in the lower GI tract
  • 17. Chronic HBV-hepatitis
  • 18. Chronic HCV-hepatitis
  • 19. Alcoholic liver disease
  • 20. Non alcoholic steatohepatitis
  • 21. Autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson`s disease, hemochromatosis
  • 22. Primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis
  • 23. Acute and chronic liver failure
  • 24. Liver cirrhosis
  • 25. Gallstone disease
  • 26. Complications of gallstone disease
  • 27. Acute pancreatitis
  • 28. Chronic pancreatitis


Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21st ed., McGraw-Hill Education - Europe, 2021. ISBN-13 978-1264268504

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff




Empfohlene Literatur

Tierney LM, McPhee SJ, Papadakis MA. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, current ed., Lange/McGraw-Hill, New York, NY

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Students take a written test during the exam period with the exam topics listed below. The result of the written test gives 80% of the final grade. 4 written exams are scheduled.


Performance during the practices in the instruction period and the result of an oral practical exam held during the last two weeks of the instruction period account for 20% of the final grade.

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

Participation on the lectures and bed-side practices are compulsory. Maximum of 2 bed-side practice can made up for during the semester by joining to an other group, if the number of students are not exceeding the maximum number (currently 6, might be modified to 8 later on) in that subgroup. Individual options such as changing the officially assigned group can be requested from the study coordinator.

Maximum 15% absences are tolerated during the semester at the lectures and practices. More absences result in automatic exclusion from the exam.


1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

2. Esophageal motility disorders

3. Gastritis

4. Peptic ulcer disease

5. Non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding

6. Variceal gastrointestinal bleeding

7. Malabsorption syndrome

8. Glutensensitive enteropathy

9. Crohn's disease

10. Ulcerative colitis

11. Intestinal obstruction, ileus

12. Diverticular disease

13. Premalignant lesions of the colon

14. Appendicitis

15. Toxic and drug-induced liver injury

16. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

17. Alcoholic liver disease

18. Chronic viral hepatitis

19. Autoimmune hepatitis

20. Primary biliary cirrhosis

21. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

22. Liver cirrhosis

23. Liver failure

24. Haemochromastosis

25. Wilson's disease

26. Tumors of the liver

27. Hyperbilirubinaemias

28. Gallstone disease

29. Acute pancreatitis

30. Chronic pancreatitis


  • Bajor Judit
  • Czimmer József
  • Gódi Szilárd
  • Hunyady Béla
  • Illés Anita
  • Pár Gabriella
  • Szabó Imre (I. Bel)
  • Vincze Áron Endre

Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Bajor Judit
  • Czimmer József
  • Gódi Szilárd
  • Hunyady Béla
  • Illés Anita
  • Kővári Bálint
  • Pár Gabriella
  • Pécsi Dániel
  • Szabó Imre (I. Bel)
  • Vincze Áron Endre