Molecular Toxicology - Lecture


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2023-2024



Vorlesungen: 28

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 28


  • Kode des Kurses: OBH-010-E
  • 2 kredit
  • Biotechnology MSc
  • Specialty in Medical Biotechnology modul
  • autumn




Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 1 – max. 30


Molecular toxicology as a subject deals with the toxic (including teratogenic and carcinogenic) effects of drugs and xenobiotics caused by overdose or excessive exposure. It describes the general aspects of toxicology, the mechanisms of toxicity (including the major influencing factors), the harmful effects, and certain aspects of the treatment options. In addition, toxicity testing will be also discussed.


  • 1. Introduction of toxicology. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 2. The principles of toxicodynamics. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 3. The principles of toxicokinetics I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 4. The principles of toxicokinetics II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 5. The principles of toxicokinetics III. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 6. The principles of toxicokinetics IV. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 7. Toxic effects caused by biological mimicri I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 8. Toxic effects caused by biological mimicri II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 9. Disruption of cellular energy production I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 10. Disruption of cellular energy production II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 11. Disruption of cell homeostasis and/or physiology I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 12. Disruption of cell homeostasis and/or physiology II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 13. Summary and consultation I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 14. Summary and consultation II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 15. Xenobiotics causing tissue injury or tissue necrosis - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 16. Xenobiotics causing CNS toxicity - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 17. Oxidative damage and adduct formation I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 18. Oxidative damage and adduct formation II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 19. Chemical carcinogenesis I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 20. Chemical carcinogenesis II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 21. Chemical teratogenesis I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 22. Chemical teratogenesis II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 23. Toxicity testing I. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 24. Toxicity testing II. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 25. Toxicity testing III. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 26. Toxicity testing IV. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 27. Summary and consultation III. - Dr. Poór Miklós
  • 28. Summary and consultation IV. - Dr. Poór Miklós



Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff

Slides of each lecture will be available for the students on Neptun Meet Street.


Empfohlene Literatur

C.D. Klassen (ed.): Casarett & Doull's Toxicology. The Basic Science of Poisons. 9th edition, McGraww-Hill, 2019.

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed


Students are required to take two mid-semester written tests, which are scheduled for weeks 7 and 14, approximately. These tests will contain multiple choice and short essay type questions. The average score of these two mid-semester tests (%) will be evaluated. We will offer a final grade for those reaching a mid-term result of at least 50%.

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

Missed classes cannot be made up.


The exam includes each topic discussed during the lectures and presented in lecture slides (available in Neptun Meet Street). Those have not achieved at least 50% in mid-term tests have to take a written exam during the exam period.


  • Dr. Poór Miklós

Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen