Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Szalma József
associate professor,
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -
Vorlesungen: 12
Praktika: 36
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 48
- Kode des Kurses: OSK-SA5-T
- 3 kredit
- Dentistry
- Clinical modul
- spring
OSK-FUL-T finished , OSK-SA4-T finished , OSK-SZT-T finished
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 30
The aim is to introduce malignant tumor diagnosis and treatments, temporomandibular disorders and bone disorders to the students.
- 1. Diagnosis of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region - Olasz Lajos
- 2. Malignant soft tissue tumors of epithelial origin (carcinoma) - Olasz Lajos
- 3. Other malignant soft tissue tumors - Olasz Lajos
- 4. Malignant bone tumors of jaws - Olasz Lajos
- 5. Salivary gland tumors and treatments - Olasz Lajos
- 6. Clinical and histological grading (TNM) of malignant tumors - Olasz Lajos
- 7. Surgical treatments of malignant tumors - Olasz Lajos
- 8. Combined treatment and side effects of malignant tumors - Olasz Lajos
- 9. Seminar - Olasz Lajos
- 10. Diseases of the mandibular joint (TMJ) - Olasz Lajos
- 11. Bone lesions in the maxillofacial region - Olasz Lajos
- 12. Discussion - Olasz Lajos
- 1. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 2. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 3. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 4. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 5. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 6. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 7. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 8. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 9. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 10. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 11. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 12. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 13. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 14. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 15. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 16. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 17. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 18. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 19. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 20. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 21. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 22. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 23. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 24. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 25. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 26. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 27. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 28. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 29. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 30. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 31. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 32. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 33. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 34. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 35. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
- 36. Patient treatment in the clinical practice
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Szabo Gy.: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Semmelweis, 2001.
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Lecture notes
Empfohlene Literatur
Stanley F. Malamed: Local Anesthesia, Mosby 1990
Larry J. Peterson, Edward Ellis III, James R. Hupp, Myron R. Tucker: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1998
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Attendance on lectures and practices is obligatory. No make up for missed classes. Missing more than 20% will automatically reject semester acceptance [i.e. 3 or more missing on lectures, or 3 or more missing from practices (where one practice block is 135=3x45 minutes)] and the semester has to be repeated.
There are no written test during the semester, but students may perform oral surgical treatments in patients only, when they are up to date regarding current patient's anamnesis and treatment plan.
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
No possibility.
1. a. The form of local and general anaesthesia
b. Malignant tumors of the tissues, types and divisions
2. a. Complications of dental and oral surgical anaesthesia
b. Treatment of combined fronto-basal-facial injuries
3. a. Removal of the teeth and roots, indications and contraindications
b. Functional disease of the mandibular joint
4. a. Surgical removal of teeth or roots and flap preparation
b. Tumors of the soft tissues
5. a. Surgical removal of the impacted and retained teeth
b. Surgical treatment of the salivary gland diseases
6. a. Ostitis alveolaris
b. Precanceroses
7. a. Surgery of the periapical area
b. Combined treatment and side effects of malignant tumors
8. a. Periostitis of dental origin
b. Fractures of TMJ and its treatment
9. a. Osteomyelitis and its treatment
b. Malignant bone tumors
10. a. Non-specific inflammation of facial soft tissues
b. Diagnosis of mandibular fractures and its types
11. a. Specific inflammation of facial soft tissues
b. Conservative treatment of mandibular fractures
12. a. Cellulitis
b. Bone system diseases, mandibular manifestation
13. a. Cysts of facial bones
b. Surgical therapeutic possibilities of malignant tumors
14. a. Facial soft cysts
b. Malign tumors of the facial and its diagnosis
15. a. Cyst operations
b. Bone replacement, plastic surgery of the face soft tissues
16. a. Odontogenic sinusitis maxillaris
b. Central midface fractures and treatments
17. a. Surgical technique of sinus closer
b. Complications of mandibular fractures
18. a. Removal of the teeth in haemophilic patients
b. Inflammations of TMJ
19. a. Congenital anomalies of the maxillo-facial area
b. Therapy of mandibular fractures
20. a. Surgical treatment of dysgnathia
b. Therapies of mandibular joint dislocation
21. a. Inflammatory diseases of salivary glands
b. Odontogenic tumors
22. a. Differential diagnosis of dentoalveolar and maxillo-facial inflammations
b. The general principles of facial and mandibular fractures treatment
23. a. Preprosthetic surgery
b. Block-dissections of the neck
24. a. Differential diagnosis of trismus
b. Maxillofacial bone tumors
25. a. Radiographic pictures of dento-alveolar diseases
b. Lateral mid-face fractures
- Olasz Lajos
- Orsi Enikő
- Szalma József
Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen
- Soós Balázs
- Szalma József
- Vajta László Ferenc