

Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025



Vorlesungen: 14

Praktika: 28

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 42


  • Kode des Kurses: OAK-FUL-T
  • 3 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Clinical modul
  • autumn

OAP-PA2-T finished

Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 24


Short description of the course: Selections from the fundamental parts of the ORL

The main educational task of the subject: Learning the basics of ORL.


  • 1. Diseases of the external, middle and inner ear - Gerlinger Imre
  • 2. Objective and subjective audiometry - Pytel József
  • 3. Anatomy of the ear, physiology of hearing - Pytel József
  • 4. Acute and chronic otitis media and complications - Gerlinger Imre
  • 5. Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss - Harmat Kinga
  • 6. Vertigo. Acute vestibular syndrome. Tinnitus - Harmat Kinga
  • 7. Diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses. CRS. FESS - Gerlinger Imre
  • 8. Diseases of the oral cavity - Lujber László
  • 9. Diseases of the salivary glands, Facial nerve palsy - Lujber László
  • 10. Malignant tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx - Szanyi István
  • 11. Laryngeal lesions and malignant tumor of the larynx and hypopharynx - Szanyi István
  • 12. ENT emergencies - Szanyi István
  • 13. Tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - Lujber László
  • 14. Diseases of the neck - Lujber László


  • 1. Examine the patient's ear
  • 2. Examine the patient's nose and nasal cavities /anterior rhinoscopy/
  • 3. Examine the patient's oral cavity
  • 4. Examine the patient's larynx and hypopharynx /indirect laryngoscopy/
  • 5. Examine the patient's nasopharynx /posterior rhinoscopy/
  • 6. Tests of the patient's hearing /voice, Weber test, Rinne test/
  • 7. Tests of the patient's vestibular system /spontaneous nystagmus Romberg test, past-pointing, walking/
  • 8. Tests of the patient's neck
  • 9. Tests of the patient's function of the facial nerve
  • 10. Tests of the patient's signs of meningitis
  • 11. Tests of the patient's Eustachian tube function
  • 12. Caloric test
  • 13. Control of epistaxis
  • 14. Myringotomy
  • 15. Feeding by nasogastric tube
  • 16. Tracheal tubes
  • 17. X-ray films
  • 18. Hearing aids
  • 19. Antral lavage
  • 20. Draining of a peritonsillar abscess
  • 21. Irrigation of external ear canal, removal of foreign bodies from the external ear canal and nose
  • 22. Pure tone audiometry
  • 23. Speech audiometry
  • 24. Otoacoustic emissions
  • 25. Brainstem evoked response audiometry
  • 26. CT, MR, US demonstration
  • 27. Repetition
  • 28. Repetition


Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff



Empfohlene Literatur

Readings: Karmody: Otorhinolaryngology



Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters



There is no possibility

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

Consultation with instruktor


Requirements of the final examination

I. Physical examination by head-mirror /headlight/

The SIX Basic ENT patient examinations:

1. ear examination (with ear funnel ) optional: otoscope, microscopic examination

2. nose and nasal cavities /anterior rhinoscopy/ optional:rigid or flexible endoscopy

3. oral cavity

4. larynx and hypopharynx /indirect laryngoscopy with laryngeal mirror/ optional: rigid or flexible laryngoscopy

5. nasopharynx /posterior rhinoscopy with mirror/ optional: rigid or flexible nasopharyngoscopy

6. Neck examination /palpation/

II. A. Clinical tests

1. Hearing test physical examination

2. Balance examination

II. B. Demonstrate the proper use of ENT instruments treating or performing:

1. control of nose bleeds /epistaxis/

- anterior nasal packing

- posterior nasal packing

2. myringotomy

3. feeding by nasogastric tube

4. tracheal tubes

5. antral lavage

6. draining of a peritonsillar abscess

7. removal of foreign bodies from the external ear canal and nose

III. Theoretical questions/Topics for ENT exam

1. Pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry

2. Otoacoustic emissions, brainstem evoked response audiometry

3. Diseases of the pinna and the external ear canal

4. Diseases of the tympanic membrane, tumours of the external ear (benign, malignant tumours)

5. Serous otitis media (acute, chronic)

6. Suppurative otitis media (acute, chronic)

7. Complications of suppurative otitis media

8. Idiopathic facial nerve palsy, Bell palsy

9. Disorders of the inner ear, congenital malformations, hereditary deafness

10. Trauma of the temporal bone (longitudinal, transverse fractures)

11. Otosclerosis, tympanosclerosis

12. Fluid systems of the labyrinth, Méniére’s disease, toxic lesions of the inner ear

13. Acoustic tumours, noise induced hearing losses

14. Tinnitus

15. Cochlear implantation

16. Sleep apnea

17. Benign/malignant tumours of the paranasal sinuses

18. Obstruction of the nasal airway, rhinitis (forms of rhinitis, except allergic rhinitis)

19. Allergic rhinitis

20. Fractures of the paranasal sinuses. Fronto-basal, maxillo-facial, blow-out fractures, Le Fort fractures

21. Acute and chronic rhinosinusitis

22. Tumours of the salivary glands (benign and malignant)

23. Differential diagnosis of the neck masses (neck regions I-VII, origin of metastases)

24. Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and the pharynx (peritonsillar abscess)

25. Precancerous disorders in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and esophagus

26. Malignant tumours in the oral cavity and pharynx (+ nasopharyngeal tumours)

27. Clinical symptoms and signs of benign and malignant diseases of the larynx, hypopharynx and base of the tongue

28. Acute and chronic infections of the larynx, acut epiglottitis, phlegmonous epiglottitis, abscess of the epiglottis

29. Benign tumours of the larynx.

30. Laryngeal cancer (supraglottic, glottic, subglottic), TNM stage

31. Congenital malformations of the neck, benign tumours of the neck

32. Thyroiditis, malignant tumours of the thyroid gland

33. Clinical signs of obstructions of the upper airways (upper airway stenosis), conicotomy, tracheotomy

34. Foreign bodies in the bronchial system, foreign bodies of the esophagus

35. Tumours of the esophagus, dysphagia

36. Vertigo in otolaryngological practice


  • Bakó Péter
  • Gerlinger Imre
  • Lujber László
  • Németh Adrienne Katalin
  • Piski Zalán Szabolcs
  • Pytel József
  • Révész Péter
  • Szanyi István

Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Bakó Péter
  • Burián András
  • Gerlinger Imre
  • Harmat Kinga
  • Lujber László
  • Németh Adrienne Katalin
  • Nepp Nelli
  • Pap István
  • Piski Zalán Szabolcs
  • Pytel József
  • Révész Péter
  • Szanyi István
  • Tóth István (1988)