Medical Communication in Practice 1


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025


  • Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva

    assistant professor,
    Department of Primary Health Care


Vorlesungen: 0

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 24

Insgesamt: 24


  • Kode des Kurses: OAE-GOR-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Elective modul
  • autumn

OAP-BPR-T finished

Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 25


The goal of the course is to enable medical students to practice their medical communication skills in various doctor-patient situations. The course initially demonstrates the basic principles of medical communication and then provides students with opportunities to put these skills into practice. The acquisition of effective medical communication skills is made possible by practicing fictive patient-doctor consultations, using the theoretical background of the Calgary-Cambridge model as a guide. It is our goal for the students to develop a patient-centered attitude and to be consciously aware of applying the elements of effective medical communication.

In the second part of the course, it is our goal to acquaint the medical students with the special characteristics of communicating with patients from different social, cultural, ethnic and demographic backgrounds as well as to teach them about telemedicine: medical communication online and about communication of medical errors. We also aim to encourage students to put their new knowledge into practice.

The curriculum of the course was designed with the collaboration of the following Institutes: Department of Behavioural Sciences, the Department of Languages for Specific Purposes, the Medical Simulation Center and the Institute of Primary Health Care. The course is made up of 24 classes. In the first part of the course, in the Basic module, students learn the basic principles of medical communication. Then students participate in the Special Modules:

1. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. 2. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication 3. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice.




  • 1. Consultation Class 1. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Gács Boróka
  • 2. Consultation class 2.The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Gács Boróka
  • 3. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • ...
  • 4. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 5. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 6. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 7. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 8. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 9. The basic principles of medical communication. The Calgary-Cambridge model. - Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva, Csikós Ágnes Erika, Kürthy Dániel, Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Gács Boróka
  • 10. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. - Laki Beáta, Birkás Béla, Kürthy Dániel, Hild Gabriella, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • ...
  • 11. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. - Laki Beáta, Birkás Béla, Kürthy Dániel, Hild Gabriella, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 12. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. - Laki Beáta, Birkás Béla, Kürthy Dániel, Hild Gabriella, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 13. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. - Laki Beáta, Birkás Béla, Kürthy Dániel, Hild Gabriella, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 14. Ethical questions in medical communication. Communication of medical errors. - Laki Beáta, Birkás Béla, Kürthy Dániel, Hild Gabriella, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 15. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication - Varga Péter (Alapellátási?), Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Rinfel József, Szebeni Zsolt
  • ...
  • 16. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication - Varga Péter (Alapellátási?), Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Rinfel József, Szebeni Zsolt
  • 17. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication - Varga Péter (Alapellátási?), Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Rinfel József, Szebeni Zsolt
  • 18. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication - Varga Péter (Alapellátási?), Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Rinfel József, Szebeni Zsolt
  • 19. Telemedicine, Digital/Online communication - Varga Péter (Alapellátási?), Szántóné Csongor Alexandra, Fekete Judit Diána, Rinfel József, Szebeni Zsolt
  • 20. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice - Németh Tímea, Sándor György, Heim Szilvia Mária, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • ...
  • 21. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice - Németh Tímea, Sándor György, Heim Szilvia Mária, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 22. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice - Németh Tímea, Sándor György, Heim Szilvia Mária, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 23. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice - Németh Tímea, Sándor György, Heim Szilvia Mária, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • 24. The management of social and cultural diversity in medical practice - Németh Tímea, Sándor György, Heim Szilvia Mária, Berta Anikó, Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva

Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff

Medical Communication- Notes for medical students


Empfohlene Literatur

1. Silverman J (2013): Skills for Communicating with Patients. 3rd Edition. CRC Press. London

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Active participation in classes


Written exam/test

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten





  • Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva

Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Bellyeiné Pozsgai Éva
  • Berta Anikó
  • Birkás Béla
  • Csaba Gergely József
  • Csikós Ágnes Erika
  • Fekete Judit Diána
  • Gács Boróka
  • Heim Szilvia Mária
  • Hild Gabriella
  • Kürthy Dániel
  • Laki Beáta
  • Németh Tímea
  • Rinfel József
  • Sándor György
  • Szántóné Csongor Alexandra
  • Szebeni Zsolt
  • Varga Péter (Alapellátási?)
  • Varga Péter (FQTBIZ)