Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Botz Lajos
Department of Pharmaceutics and University Pharmacy -
Vorlesungen: 0
Praktika: 12
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 12
- Kode des Kurses: OPG-U4G-T
- 1 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical theoretical module and practical skills modul
- autumn
OPG-D2E-T finished , OPG-C4E-T finished , OPG-U3E-T finished
Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 50
The lectures of the semester will further outline the pharmaceutical supply system, specific pharmacy practice knowledge in community and clinical professional pharmaceutical practice and care. Students will acquire skills in finding, evaluating and interpreting reliable pharmaceutical information by getting familiar with the concepts of evidence based medicine and pharmacy informatics. In this semester also interactive discussions will cover essential topics regarding self-medication, patient counselling and over the counter products used in minor diseases. Detailed discussion of pharmacy practice will cover personal and objective criteria of pharmacies, prescribing and dispensing regulations, controlled drugs, ordering and stockpiling drugs. Ensuring medication safety in community and hospital pharmacy setting is a key element of modern pharmaceutical practice, thus the lectures focus on relevant issues. Students will discuss elements of ethical behavior and pharmacy ethics in practice.
Students can access the slides of the lectures and further reading material on a designated web-based interface (e.g. MS Teams and/or Neptun Meet Street).
- 1. Assuring medication safety in community pharmacy practice - Vida Róbert György
- 2. Detailed introduction to the dispensing practice - Fittler András Tamás
- 3. Clinical pharmacy services 2. - Vincze Patricia Anna
- 4. Allergy and contact dermatitis - Vida Róbert György
- 5. Headache and migraine - Vida Róbert György
- 6. Vaginal and vulvovaginal disorders - Fittler András Tamás
- 7. Midterm test - Vida Róbert György
- 8. Evidence Based Medicine: Questioning. - Fittler András Tamás
- 9. Cough and expectorants. Disorders related to cold, fever - Vida Róbert György
- 10. Fungal skin, Athelete's foot - Vida Róbert György
- 11. Dyspepsia, Heart burn - Vida Róbert György
- 12. Diarrhea and constipation - Somogyi-Végh Anna
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
List of study aids to acquire curriculum (books, notes, other) and all presentations can be downloaded from MS teams and/or Neptun MeetStreet.
További ajánlott irodalmak:
ASHP: Handbook on Injectable Drugs. 19th Edition
Karen J. Tietze: Clinical Skills for Pharmacists: A Patient-Focused Approach. Mosby; 3rd edition
Min Liu, Lakesha M. Butler: Patient Communication For Pharmacy: A Case-Study Approach on Theory and Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1 Pap/Psc edition
Sally-Anne Francis, Felicity Smith, John Malkinson, Andrew Constanti, Kevin Taylor: Integrated Pharmacy Case Studies. Pharmaceutical Press; 1st edition
Empfohlene Literatur
C. Bond (ed.): Evidence-based Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2002.
A. J. Winfield, R. M. E. Richards (eds.): Pharmaceutical Practice, Churchill Livinstone
C. H. Knowlton, R. P. Penna (eds.): Pharmaceutical Care, ASHSP
M. Stephens (ed.): Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2006.
Rosemary R. Berardi, Stefanie P. Ferreri et al.: Handbook of Nonpresciption Drugs, 17th edition, American Pharmacists Association, 2012.
Walker, Roger: Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2011.
Edzard Ernst, Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment, W. W. Norton & Company, 2008. Section IV: Nutrition and Nutritional Supplementation, Section XI: Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Edzard Ernst, Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial
John P. Griffin, John Posner, Geoffrey R. Barker: The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 7th Edition, 2013.
Paul Rutter: Community Pharmacy - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment 4th Edition. Elsevier 2017
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Acceptance of term/semester:
- Regular attendance of classes (maximum 25 % of absence is accepted),
- Assignments given in class should be carried out during term-time, further OTC presentations and Evaluation of counseling skills in practice (these are criterion requirements for the course, the completion of oral case study in the end-of-the semester is required for the evaluation) must be completed, and
- Written mid-term and end-of-the term test. Passing the tests is not obligatory; however advisable as you will likely have good practical grade for PPM3. There is a retake opportunity only for the end-of-the term test.
The practice part must be completed and accepted (criterion requirements) for all students, however depending on the recommended curriculum students may not receive a separate practical grade
End-of-the-term test is at the regular time of lectures. The test will be on the whole semester’s curriculum. Additional questions can be included in the end-of-the-term test, if the student has not carried out an assignment during the semester or in case of unsuccessful midterm test.
In case of unsuccessful or missed end-of-the term test, a retake opportunity is granted to make up during the last week of the semester.
Assessment of the student performance is carried out according to a five-grade scale: 100-86,1% -excellent (5); 86-77,1% -good (4); 77-68,1% -satisfactory (3); 68-60,1% -pass (2); and below 60,0% -fail (1) respectively.
PPM3 practical course grade is based upon the completion of the given assignments, self-care and nonprescription pharmacotherapy module and the mid-term test. Theory grade for PPM3 is based the oral exam during the exam period (see list of Final exam topics 1-50).
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
Retake opportunity is possible following personal discussion for the end-of-the term test.
Theory grade for PPM3 is based the oral exam during the exam period. The oral exam has two parts, a written and an oral one. The written part is a Minimum Exam Test, where the students should reach 70% (7 correct answer from 10 questions). The Minimum Exam Test questions will be available for the students prior to the exam period. Students who cannot reach the 70% will fail (1) in the exam automatically. In case of the second retake examination there is no Minimum Exam Test. The oral part consists of 3 topics.
Examination and granting of grades: for Pharmaceutical Practice and Management 3 students must take an oral final exam.
(Basic principles of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical practice and management 1, 2 & 3)
Three exam topics shall be elaborated and presented during the final exam. Supplementary definitions and questions (which will not be highlighted during the exam) below the listed exam titles aim to specify the required knowledge for each topic. Certain contents of the discussed topics may be overlapping, while other exam topics require the association of professional pharmaceutical knowledge introduced during different lectures/semesters.
1. History of Pharmacy and Medicine. Pharmacy as a profession.
2. Development and role of Pharmacopoeias and formularies in pharmacy.
3. Product categories in community pharmacies.
4. Regulation and organization of Hungarian health system.
5. The drug supply chain, stakeholders of the drug supply system.
6. Personal and objective criteria for community, branch and single-handed pharmacies in Hungary.
7. Regulation of the prescribing and dispensing of medicines in Hungary.
8. Regulation regarding controlled drugs in Hungary. International drug control treaties.
9. International and Hungarian health and pharmaceutical organizations.
10. Fundamentals of economics for pharmacists. Characteristics of market of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
11. Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics I.: Aims, methodology and the main methods.
12. Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics II.: The concept, importance and measurement of the quality of life.
13. Drug utilization. Drug classification systems.
14. Rational and transparent drug selection. SOJA method. Decision Analysis.
15. Pricing and life cycle of drugs.
16. Health expenditures, drug/healthcare costs, cost-control techniques.
17. Development and types of social and health insurance systems. Characteristics of the Hungarian social and health insurance system.
18. Basics and practice of Marketing.
19. Drug Research and Development I.: Pre-clinical phase.
20. Drug Research and Development II.: Clinical trials.
21. Drug Research and Development III.: Phases in clinical trials.
22. Drug authorization process I.: Patent protection.
23. Drug authorization processes II.: Abridged authorization. Off-label use of drugs. Orphan drugs.
24. Drug authorization processes III.: Equivalencies of drugs. Substitution.
25. Placebo effect: the role of placebo in clinical trials and therapy.
26. Patient Rights.
27. Medication errors.
28. Adverse drug reactions.
29. Drug interactions.
30. Philosophy and development of evidence based medicine and pharmacy.
31. Hierarchy of medical information and clinical evidence, clinical study designs.
32. The practical steps of evidence based practice.
33. Interpreting the results of evidence based practice: Outcome measures.
34. Hospital and clinical pharmacy I.: Life stages (pediatrics, geriatrics, gravidity and breast feeding).
35. Hospital and clinical pharmacy II.: Infectology and antibiotic stewardship.
36. Hospital and clinical pharmacy III.: Nutrition therapy. Fluid therapy.
37. Hospital and clinical pharmacy IV.: The development and services of hospital and clinical pharmacy.
38. Hospital and clinical pharmacy V.: Oncology pharmacy.
39. The development, basics and techniques of pharmaceutical care.
40. Pharmaceutical care of respiratory diseases: allergic rhinitis, asthma bronchiale, COPD.
41. Pharmaceutical care of cardiometabolic syndrome
42. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy I.: Patient assessment and consultation.
43. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy II.: Dry skin, atopic dermatitis, acne, contact dermatitis and allergy.
44. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy III.: Dyspepsia, heartburn and intestinal gas, diarrhea and constipation.
45. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy IV.: Fungal skin infections, vaginal and vulvovaginal disorders.
46. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy V.: Headache, fever, cough and disorders related to colds.
47. Self-Care and Nonprescription Pharmacotherapy VI.: Oral disorders, nutritional supplementation.
48. Good Communication in Pharmacy Practice. Written, electronic communication in Health care and holding oral presentations.
49. Medication adherence - Helping patients manage therapeutic regimens.
50. Pharmaceutical informatics.
Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen
- Fittler András Tamás
- Somogyi-Végh Anna
- Vida Róbert György
- Vincze Patricia Anna