About Us

The surgical unit is operated with 100 patient beds backed up by a highly educated nursing staff and employing 28 doctors specialized in different fields of surgery (e.g. general surgery, gastroenterology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, vascular surgery, thoracic surgery).
The annual number of operations performed ranges at 6000. Beside operative activities the clinic is profoundly committed in both gradual and postgradual education and at the gradual level we teach medical students also in English and German language.
Our leading colleagues actively participate in both the national and international scientific life.
The main profiles of the unit, however, are doubtlessly the gastroenterological and oncological surgery, a fact, that gives an explanation for our participation in more international –multicentric studies in these fields.
Among our colleagues there are one academic doctor and 12 others with scientific degree (PhD or candidate of medical sciences), the most of them having stayed for years in leading European and American surgical institutions and so achieved a good clinical practice.