For Freshmen

General information

Information letter for Freshmen on the fall semester of the academic year 2024/2025

Privacy statement and data compliance

Orientation presentation of the Registrar's Office - August 28, 2024

  • Online enrolment (in Neptun) - OBLIGATORY: 15 August, 2024 08:00 - 30 August, 2024 12:00 (noon)
  • Personal enrolment - OBLIGATORY: between 26 August - 6 September, 2024 
  • Health aptitude test - OBLIGATORY: August 21-September 30, 2024

Useful video guide for enrollment:

Registering for subjects video I.

Registering for subjects video II.

Registering for subjects video I. pdf guide

Registering for subjects video II. pdf guide

Enrollment, registration, matriculation card video

Enrollment, registration, matriculation card pdf tutorial



Immigration and Asylum Office

We call your attention that according to information from the Immigration and Asylum Office their services are also available electronically, so that you can manage your issues (eg. residence permit) quicker and at a preferential price. You can reach the website of Enter Hungary here: 


Immigration InfoPoint

We would like to draw your attention that the Immigration InfoPoint is avalailable at the Registrar’s Office. Please, turn to our colleague regarding the administration process of residence permit or any questions arising during the procedure on the below contacts or during personal customer service:

Ambrus Orsolya Katalin (+36-72-536-000 ext.: 39502