We think it is important for the first and upper year students to rest assured that they can reach out to someone with their questions and when they are going through tough times.

The chief aim of the program is to make it easier for students to find solutions to their problems. We started the initiative in 2019 with 16 Peers and grew to work with over 40 helpful individuals by now. There are students from the Hungarian, English and German programme of our Medical School, as well as from PTE’s Dentistry major and our School of Pharmacy too.

From the challenges of the first and upper years through to mental health related issues even, the Peers can provide support to the ones in need. If you feel lost, a Peer is always available to lend you a helping hand and make you feel better!

What sort of things can you reach out to the Peers with? Anything! If you feel you haven’t got anyone to turn to with your challenges, pick a Peer regardless of their background and what language they speak, together you will soon find solutions to your problem, being it a study related or life management matter!

Select a Peer at our website and they will help you solve your problems.