Human Physiology - Lecture


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025

Course director

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 28 hours

practices: 0 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 28 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OBA-110-E
  • 2 kredit
  • Biotechnology MSc
  • Basic modul
  • autumn


Course headcount limitations

min. 5 – max. 50


The goal of the course is to disclose human physiological processes to the students. By means of the knowledge of complex human physiological processes the biotechnology students will also learn the interconnections and mutual influences of physiological systems and they will utilize their knowledge in planning and executing related animal model experiments and pharmaceutical tests.


  • 1. Concept of homeostasis. Body fluid compartments. Structure and composition of the cell. Definition of neurotransmitters and hormones. Signal transduction pathways. - Varga Csaba (Élettan)
  • 2. The blood. Anorganic and organic blood constituents. Red blood cells. Hemoglobin. Blood groups. - Péczely László Zoltán
  • 3. Thrombocytes. Blood clotting. - Péczely László Zoltán
  • 4. Leukocytes. Immune system. - Péczely László Zoltán
  • 5. Transport mechanisms. Ion channels. Membrane potential. Resting membrane potential, electrotonic potentials. Action potential. - Varga Csaba (Élettan)
  • 6. General properties of neurons and their functions. Interaction and communication between neurons. Neuronal networks. - Varga Csaba (Élettan)
  • 7. Physiology of muscles. Various types of muscles. - Barabás Klaudia
  • 8. Heart physiology: pacemaker activity, conductive system, ECG. PCG. Physical aspects of the cardiac functions, the pumping and periodical activity of the heart. - Környei József László
  • 9. Characteristics of the human circulation. Principles of hemodynamics. Pulse, blood pressure. - Környei József László
  • 10. Regulation of the heart and circulation. - Környei József László
  • 11. Respiration. Volume and pressure changes. Gas exchange. Regulation of respiration. - Környei József László
  • 12. Structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract: digestion and absorption. Hormonal regulation of the GI tract. - László Kristóf
  • 13. Energy balance, metabolic rate and heat regulation. - Környei József László
  • 14. Kidney. Glomerular filtration. Tubular transport mechanisms. Parameters of the renal function. - Zagorácz Olga
  • 15. Volume, osmotic and pH regulation. - Ollmann Tamás
  • 16. Mechanism of hormone action. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal control of hormonal secretion. ADH and oxytocin. Growth hormone. Prolactin. - Ollmann Tamás
  • 17. Adrenal cortex and medulla. Endocrinology of stress and adaptation. - Lengyel Ferenc
  • 18. Structure, function and hormonal control of reproductive organs. Pregnancy. - Lengyel Ferenc
  • 19. Thyroid gland. Regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis. - Ollmann Tamás
  • 20. Hormonal regulation of carbohydrate and intermediary metabolism. Liver functions. - Ollmann Tamás
  • 21. Structure of the eye, optics, primary sensory processes in the retina and central visual information processing. - Mintál Kitti
  • 22. Taste and smell. Hearing. - Szabó István (Élettan)
  • 23. Proprioception, somatosensory mechanisms, pain and temperature sensation. - Varga Csaba (Élettan)
  • 24. Spinal cord. Reflexes. Coordination of body movements and balance. Extrapyramidal, cerebellar and cortical control of motion. Locomotion. - Péliné Kovács Anita
  • 25. Central nervous regulation of homeostasis. Hypothalamus. Limbic system. Drive and motivation. Emotions. - László Kristóf
  • 26. Electrical activity of the brain, Electroencephalography, evoked potentials. Sleep-wakefullness. - Gálosi Rita
  • 27. Learning and memory. Plasticity and regeneration in the nervous system. - Gálosi Rita
  • 28. Higher cognitive functions. Theoretical implementation of determinants of the interrelated regulatory systems. - Gálosi Rita



Reading material

Obligatory literature

John E. Hall & Michael E. Hall: Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Elsevier), 14th Edition, 2020, ISBN: 0323597122 (Elsevier)

Literature developed by the Department

Find and read the relevant chapters in:

Homepage of PTE ÁOK Institute of Physiology: Physiology Lab Practices, internet study material, printable notebook, 2024

Homepage of PTE ÁOK Institute of Physiology: Physiology Lab Practice Worksheets , internet study material, printable notebook, 2024


Find and read the relevant chapters in:

Homepage of PTE ÁOK Institute of Physiology: Physiology Lab Practices, internet study material, printable notebook, 2024

Homepage of PTE ÁOK Institute of Physiology: Physiology Lab Practice Worksheets , internet study material, printable notebook, 2024

Recommended literature

Thomas M. Jessell Steven A. Siegelbaum: Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition, 2021, ISBN 1259642232 (McGraw-Hill)

Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Guyton Physiology) 14th Edition by John E. Hall PhD, Michael E. Hall MD MSc. (2020)

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

Oral lab report on the 14th week of the semester.

Mid-term exams

Oral lab report on the 14th week of the semester.

Making up for missed classes

The missed lab practice is advised to be covered by joining another group while the same topic is on schedule.

Exam topics/questions

Topics of the theoretical exam:
1.      Concept of homeostasis. Body fluid compartments. Structure and composition of the cell. Definition of neurotransmitters and hormones. Signal transduction pathways.

2.      The blood. Inorganic and organic blood constituents. Red blood cells; Hemoglobin. Blood groups.

3.      Thrombocytes. Blood clotting.

4.      Leukocytes. Immune system.

5.      Transport mechanisms. Ion channels. Membrane potential: resting membrane potential, electrotonic potentials, action potential.

6.      General properties of neurons and their functions. Interaction and communication between neurons. Neuronal networks.

7.      Physiology of muscles. Various types of muscles.

8.      Heart physiology: pacemaker activity, conductive system, ECG. PCG. Physical aspects of the cardiac functions, the pumping and periodical activity of the heart.

9.      Characteristics of human circulation. Principles of hemodynamics. Pulse, blood pressure.

10.   Regulation of the heart and circulation.

11.   Respiration: volume and pressure changes; gas exchange. Regulation of respiration.

12.   Structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract: digestion and absorption. Hormonal regulation of the GI tract.

13.   Energy balance and metabolic rate. Heat regulation.

14.   Kidney: glomerular filtration; tubular transport mechanisms; parameters of the renal function.

15.   Volume, osmotic, and pH regulation.

16.   Mechanism of hormone action. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal control of hormonal secretion. ADH and oxytocin. Growth hormone. Prolactin.

17.   Adrenal cortex and medulla. Endocrinology of stress and adaptation.

18.   Structure, function, and hormonal control of reproductive organs. Pregnancy.

19.   Thyroid gland. Regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis.

20.   Hormonal regulation of carbohydrate and intermediary metabolism. Liver functions.

21.   Structure of the eye, optics, primary sensory processes in the retina; central visual information processing.

22.   Taste and smell. Hearing.

23.   Proprioception, somatosensory mechanisms, pain and temperature sensation.

24.   Spinal cord. Reflexes. Coordination of body movements and balance. Extrapyramidal, cerebellar, and cortical control of motion. Locomotion.

25.   Central nervous regulation of homeostasis. Hypothalamus. Limbic system. Drive and motivation. Emotions.

26.   Electrical activity of the brain, Electroencephalography, evoked potentials. Sleep-wakefulness.

27.   Learning and memory. Plasticity and regeneration in the nervous system.

28.   Higher cognitive functions. Theoretical implementation of determinants of the interrelated regulatory systems.

Study material for the exam is the sum total of information covered in the obligatory textbook, on the homepage of the Institute, as well as knowledge given at the lectures and lab practices.

Figures of the lectures given are available on the homepage of Institute of Physiology and on the Neptun Meet Street.

Important messages on new information will be announced at the lectures and will be sent to you by course mails.

Please always find the current updated information and study materials on the homepage of the Institute of Physiology (


  • Buzásné Telkes Ildikó
  • Gálosi Rita
  • Kertes Erika
  • Kóbor Péter
  • Környei József László
  • László Bettina Réka (Csetényi)
  • László Kristóf
  • Lengyel Ferenc
  • Péczely László Zoltán
  • Péliné Kovács Anita
  • Varga Csaba (Élettan)
  • Zagorácz Olga

Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars