The first Surgical Workshop, entitled “Surgery 101” at the MediSkillsLab

14 April 2023

On the first of April, The Surgical Society in collaboration with the Circle of Demonstrators held its first Surgical Workshop, entitled “Surgery 101” at the MediSkillsLab, initiated by Furkan Yaslioglu, a 5th year demonstrator student from the General Medicine program.

The primary focus of the workshop was to provide students practical experience in the field of surgery.

As the organisers put it, their main objectives were to teach new surgical techniques, increase the participants' confidence in the operating theatre and familiarise them with the preparations required for surgery.

The workshop attracted far more students than expected, despite the short registration deadline. As this was a pilot project, the organisers regretted that they were unable to accommodate all the students who were interested. In view of the size of the rooms and the quality of the practice, the number of participants had to be limited. They would like to apologise once again to those students who were unable to participate.

Nevertheless, the workshop was attended by 28 students, 10 demonstrators, 1 head nurse and 3 doctors. Moreover, they would like to thank the staff of the MediSkillsLab (Nóra Rapcsák and Mihály Csont) for their help and patience.

Furkan Yaslioglu opened the event and thanked everyone for their presence. He then presented the agenda of the event to the participants. Dr Zalán Szántó took the floor and gave a presentation on the importance of pre-operative planning, pre-operative precautions and basic surgical etiquette.

The workshop consisted of 4 stations:

  • Preoperative preparations
  • Surgical suturing
  • Surgical instruments
  • Surgical preparations

The participants were divided into 4 groups each attending a different station simultaneously. At each station, the groups spent about 30 minutes.

The Preoperative preparation station was led by Dr. Zalán Szántó. At this station, the participants had a seminar about what surgery really is and the importance of choosing the right procedure and patients.

The Suturing station was led by Dr. Ibitamuno Caleb and members of The Surgical Society (Alexandra Brunauer, Alvilde Hellebo and Cettina Politano). At this station, the participants practiced the most common wound closure techniques and learnt about the suturing materials.

The surgical instruments station was led by Dr. Zoltán Sándor with the help of Joris de Smet (The Surgical Society). The participants learnt about almost all the instruments that are commonly used during an operation. They had the chance to practice how to handle and use them one by one.

The Surgery preparations station was led by Furkan Yaslioglu with the help of Adrienn Jakabovics from the MediSkillsLab and Maximillian Werkl from The Surgical Society. The demonstrator students, Sepehr Hatami and Jumana Ibraheim also assisted. At this station the participants learned about the correct procedure of hand washing and disinfection.

During the second part of the station, they were taught how to wear gowns and gloves properly in the operating theatre, how to behave and what to expect as a student during an operation.

Other members of the circle of demonstrator students (Patrick Monteiro, Reyhane Dehdari, and Tanusha Baijnath) also assisted at the beginning of the workshop during registration and group break-up. In addition, they were present throughout, guiding the groups to their assigned stations and offering their assistance where needed.

After a two and half hours, the workshop wrapped up with some light refreshment and the participants had the opportunity to talk and discuss what they had learned.

The organisers would like to express their special thanks to Dr. Szilárd Rendeki for his support and understanding during the whole project.

They would also like to thank Dr. Andrea Tamás, Dr. Zalán Szántó, Dr. Zoltán Sándor, and Dr. Ibitamuno Caleb for their support and patience during the organisation and implementation of the event.

They would also like to thank the members of The MediSkillsLab, The Surgical Society and The Circle of Demonstrators for their help and all the students who were interested and participated in this workshop. They hope to organize a similar program in the near future.
