A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Lukács András Szilárd
associate professor,
Department of Biophysics
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 56 óra
- Kód: OAA-BI1-T
- 4 kredit
- General Medicine
- Basic modul
- autumn
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
The course addresses the foundations of physical and biophysical methods used for exploring biological systems particularly the human body, as well as those of physical diagnostic methods. The latter are discussed briefly with references made to a respective topical pre-clinical course.
- 28. Molecular mechanisms of muscle function - Talián Csaba Gábor
- 27. Mechanical properties of muscles - Talián Csaba Gábor
- 26. The cytoskeletal system, motor proteins - Talián Csaba Gábor
- 25. Sensory receptors. Action potential - Kengyel András Miklós
- 24. Resting membrane potential - Kengyel András Miklós
- 23. Bioelektromos jelenségek - Kengyel András Miklós
- 21. Fluid flow - Grama László
- 22. Circulation. Work of the heart - Kengyel András Miklós
- 19. Diffusion - Huberné Barkó Szilvia
- 20. Osmosis - Huberné Barkó Szilvia
- 18. Protein structure and folding. Enzymes - Huberné Barkó Szilvia
- 17. Sedimentation, electrophoresis - Talián Csaba Gábor
- 16. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy, Gibbs free energy - Lukács András Szilárd
- 15. The first law of thermodynamics. Heat capacity, entalpy - Lukács András Szilárd
- 14. Gas laws. Phases of water - Lukács András Szilárd
- 13. X-ray diffraction - Lukács András Szilárd
- 12. Diagnostic X-rays, CT - Grama László
- 10. Flow cytometry - Grama László
- 11. X-rays - Grama László
- 9. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy - Lukács András Szilárd
- 8. Photophysics of molecules. Biomedical applications of fluorescence - Lukács András Szilárd
- 7. Laser - Lukács András Szilárd
- 5. Absorption spectroscopy - Ujfalusi Zoltán
- 6. Fluorescence spectroscopy - Ujfalusi Zoltán
- 4. The quantum mechanical atomic model. Orbitals, molecular orbitals - Grama László
- 3. Dual nature of light and electrons. Electromagnetic waves - Grama László
- 1. Introduction - Lukács András Szilárd
- 2. Structure of atoms - Grama László
- 28. Preliminary oral practical exam
- 26. Test writing
- 27. Preliminary oral practical exam
- 25. Test writing
- 23. Make-up lab, seminar
- 24. Make-up lab, seminar
- 22. Viscosity of fluids and surface tension
- 21. Viscosity of fluids and surface tension
- 20. Fluid flow and blood pressure measurement
- 19. Fluid flow and blood pressure measurement
- 18. Centrifugation
- 17. Centrifugation
- 16. Emission spectra of biological macromolecules
- 15. Emission spectra of biological macromolecules
- 14. The absorption spectrum of macromolecules
- 13. The absorption spectrum of macromolecules
- 12. Atomic Spectra
- 11. Atomic Spectra
- 10. Temperature Measurements
- 9. Temperature Measurements
- 8. Electrocardiography
- 7. Electrocardiography
- 6. Alternating Current Measurements
- 5. Alternating Current Measurements
- 4. Direct Current Measurements
- 3. Direct Current Measurements
- 2. Introduction. Laboratory safety training
- 1. Introduction. Laboratory safety training
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Available in the Teams group of the subject and the PotePedia platform.
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Completion and proper documentation of each laboratory practice and approval thereof by the course instructor. Maximum 2 absences from practices. Students are not allowed to be late from the practicals. Being late counts as an absence.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
There is a short test at the beginning of every practical lab. If the student fails two of these entrance tests every further failure would count as an absence. One midterm test from the material of the practicals and one preliminary oral practical examination takes place at the end of the semester, that may provide exemption from the practical part of the exam.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Missed practices can be made up during make-up opportunities provided by the department. During each make-up lab, only one missed practice can be made up with the student's own group.
Available in the Teams group of the subject.
- Bódis Emőke
- Bukovics Péter
- Grama László
- Huber Tamás
- Huberné Barkó Szilvia
- Kengyel András Miklós
- Lukács András Szilárd
- Nyitrai Miklós
- Pécsi Ildikó
- Szabó-Meleg Edina
- Szatmári Dávid Zoltán
- Talián Csaba Gábor
- Ujfalusi Zoltán
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói