A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
Department of Public Health Medicine
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 14 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 42 óra
- Kód: OPO-KE2-T
- 3 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Medical-biological theoretical module and practical skills modul
- spring
OPO-KE1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő
Public Health represents the preventive side of medicine. The subject deals with primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the most challenging diseases of public health.
The aims are to exam the process of disease development and demonstrate the possibilities of prevention on individual and community levels.
- 1. Health effects of alcohol consumption and smoking I. - Berényi Károly
- 2. Health effects of alcohol consumption and smoking II. - Berényi Károly
- 3. Epidemiology of drug abuse and poisonings I. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 4. Epidemiology of drug abuse and poisonings II. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 5. Ecology I. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 6. Ecology II. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 7. Basics of occupational health. - Németh Balázs
- 8. Health effects of mechanical, ergonomic and psychological factors. - Németh Balázs
- 9. Occupational carcinogens I. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 10. Occupational carcinogens II. - Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- 11. Basics of environmental health I. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 12. Basics of environmental health II. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 13. Air pollution I. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 14. Air pollution II. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 15. Water hygiene, soil pollution I. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 16. Water hygiene, soil pollution II. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 17. Epidemiology of infectious diseases I. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 18. Epidemiology of infectious diseases II. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 19. Epidemiology of infectious diseases III. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 20. Epidemiology of infectious diseases IV. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 21. Principles of infection control. Epidemiology of infectious diseases: global situation I. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 22. Principles of infection control. Epidemiology of infectious diseases: global situation II. - Bőszné Murányi Edit
- 23. Environmental pollutants of the anthropocene I. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 24. Environmental pollutants of the anthropocene II. - Szabó István (Népeg)
- 25. Chemical safety I. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 26. Chemical safety II. - Varga Csaba (Népeg)
- 27. Vaccination I. - Szendi Katalin
- 28. Vaccination II. - Szendi Katalin
- 1. Meta-analysis, systematic review, databases I. - Lohner Szimonetta Ivett
- 2. Meta-analysis, systematic review, databases II. - Lohner Szimonetta Ivett
- 3. How to help to quit smoking I. - Berényi Károly
- 4. How to help to quit smoking II. - Berényi Károly
- 5. Mental health and self-knowledge I. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 6. Mental health and self-knowledge II. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 7. Preventing cardiovascular diseases I. - Németh Balázs
- 8. Preventing cardiovascular diseases II. - Németh Balázs
- 9. Diabetes and obesitas prevention I. - Zand Afshin
- 10. Diabetes and obesitas prevention II. - Zand Afshin
- 11. The role of supplements in the prevention of chronic diseases I. - Zand Afshin
- 12. The role of supplements in the prevention of chronic diseases II. - Zand Afshin
- 13. Preventing diseases, health promotion – case studies I. - Katz Zoltán
- 14. Preventing diseases, health promotion – case studies II. - Katz Zoltán
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Edit Paulik: Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Medicina Publishing House, Budapest 2013.
Saját oktatási anyag
Educational material uploaded on Neptun.
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Participation in practicals is obligatory which is registered.
Absences should not exceed 2x45 min. Otherwise signature of grade book is denied.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Students may attend the practical of another group on the same week. Pre-consultation with practical leader is needed.
1. Epidemiology of communicable diseases: basic concepts, principles of prevention.
2. Current epidemics in the world, new challenges.
3. Vaccine-preventable communicable diseases.
4. Epidemiology of alcohol consumption
5. Drug situation in the world
6. Epidemiology of poisoning cases.
7. Principles of occupational health.
8. Occupational cancers
9. Environmental pollutants of the Anthropocene
10. Outdoor indoor air pollution.
11. Water and soil health.
12. Chemical safety regulation, risk assessment
13. Smoking, cessation support
14. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
15. Diabetes and obesity prevention
16. Role of dietary supplements in disease prevention
- Berényi Károly
- Gyöngyi Zoltán
- Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
- Szabó István (Népeg)
- Szendi Katalin
- Varga Csaba (Népeg)
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Gyöngyi Zoltán
- Lohner Szimonetta Ivett
- Szabó István (Népeg)
- Szendi Katalin
- Varga Csaba (Népeg)