Public Health 3 (Environmental Health)


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2021-2022



előadás: 7 óra

gyakorlat: 7 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 14 óra


  • Kód: OAA-KET-T
  • 1 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Basic modul
  • autumn

OAA-AED-T completed , OAA-BI2-T completed , OAA-BEB-T completed



Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 1 fő


The aim of the course is the introduction into the environmental related health impacts and with a particular focus on the prevention.


  • 1. Ecology - Dr. Varga Csaba
  • 2. Global warming – climate change - Bérczi Bálint Dániel
  • 3. Outdoor air pollution - Dr. Szabó István
  • 4. Indoor air pollution - Dr. Szabó István
  • 5. Health impacts of water and soil - Dr. Varga Csaba
  • 6. Contaminants of the anthropocene - Dr. Szabó István
  • 7. Contaminants of the anthropocene - Dr. Szabó István


  • 1. Water chemistry laboratory practical I.
  • 2. Water chemistry laboratory practical II.
  • 3. Water microbiology laboratory practical I.
  • 4. Water microbiology laboratory practical II.
  • 5. Health effects of physical exposures I.: Radiations, electromagnetic fields.
  • 6. Radiation hygienic laboratory practical
  • 7. Aerobiology.


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag

Educational material uploaded on Neptun.


Ajánlott irodalom

Tompa (editor): Basic Principles of Public Health, ISBN: 978 963 9879 13 3

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Absence of 2x45 minutes from practical is acceptable. Above this the semester cannot be accepted.
In the 8th semester students have to do a final exam of Public Health, for it they need completed courses, which are the followings: The basics of Disease Prevention (OAABMA), General Epidemiology and Demography (OAAAED), Environmental Health (OAAKET), Preventive Medicine (OAPNEO), Detailed Epidemiology (OAKREP), Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Medicine (OAKMFO).

Félévközi ellenőrzések


Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Students may attend the practical of another group on the same week. Pre-consultation with practical leader is needed.


- Rely on material from lectures and seminars
- Educational material uploaded on Neptun

Public Health 3 - topics for the oral exam

1, Ecology 1, Organization levels, Gaia theory, competition, niche-theory

2, Ecology 2, Population in biology, ecosystem, food-chain, diversity

3, Ecology 3, Interactions among populations, Lotka-Volterra model, population growth

4, Ecology 4, Human ecology, Special situation of the human population(s) in the ecosystem

5, Ecology 5. Meadows’ models, global problems, examples from the game theory

6, The etiological factors of global warming.

7, The direct health related effects of global warming.

8, The indirect health related effects of global warming.

9, The effect of climate change on biodiversity.

10, Socioeconomic effects - The future situation of food and water: Access and Safety.

11, Health effects of air pollution

12, Outdoor air pollution 1, Elements of air pollution. Atmospheric transmission.

13, Outdoor air pollution 2, The role of the ozone layer

14, Outdoor air pollution 3, Major pollutants

15, Outdoor air pollution 4, Residential solid fuel combustion

16, Outdoor air pollution 5, Smogs

17, Indoor air pollution 1, Major pollutants

18, Indoor air pollution 2, carbon-monoxide

19, Indoor air pollution 3, Biological pollutants

20, Indoor air pollution 4, Sick building syndrome and Building related illness

21, Water 1, Global water resources, water demands, water balance

22, Water 2, Water 2, Hydrological cycles

23, Water 3, Essential ions in drinking water

24, Water 4, Water pollutants/contaminants: classification, effects

25, Water 5, The Minamata disaese; arsenic in drinking water

26, Water 6, Secondary contaminants

27, Water 7, Water-borne epidemics, crucial infectious agents

28, Water 8, Water-soluble forms of iodine, effects; iodine in water and soil

29, Hazardous wastes, applied tests; Self-purification of waters

30, The scope of environmental-health. Man and the environment.

31, Organizations related to environmental-health

32, The IARC monograph programme.

33, Basics of ecotoxicology. Circulation of pollutants.

34, Stockholm convention and POP compounds

35, Asbestos

36, Glyphosate

37, Systemic insecticides and honeybees

38, Electromagnetic radiations and their health effects and prevention

39, Major polluting radioisotopes and their health effect

40, Aerobiology

41, Significance and measurement of UV radiation (laboratory practice)

42, Significance and measurement of radon exposure (laboratory practice)

43, UV radiation in the atmosphere – The Chapman-cycle

44, Dose-response curves, thresholds

45, Water microbiology (laboratory practice): applied techniques and parameters used for evaluation

46, Water chemistry I (laboratory practice): nitrogen forms, hardness

47, Water chemistry II (laboratory practice): chlorine in water, pH


  • Dr. Berényi Károly
  • Dr. Gyöngyi Zoltán
  • Dr. Kiss István Zoltán
  • Dr. Németh Katalin
  • Dr. Szendi Katalin
  • Dr. Varga Csaba

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Bérczi Bálint Dániel
  • Dr. Gyöngyi Zoltán
  • Dr. Szendi Katalin