A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kiss István Zoltán (Népeg)
Department of Oncotherapy
előadás: 12 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 12 óra
- Kód: OAF-MEG-T
- 1 kredit
- General Medicine
- Optional modul
- spring
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 15 fő
Interpersonal skills and knowing ourselves are necessary for our medical profession and efficient work, to have a successful life, great life quality, excellent study results and successful exams. In our course students can learn methods that can help them to improve their everyday functions and contribute to their positive mental health.
- 1. Definition, dimensions of mental health. Attitudes and cultural diversion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 2. Protective and risk factors of mental health at population level. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 3. Successful programs in mental health promotion. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 4. Protective and risk factors of mental health at personal level. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 5. Learnt helplessness and anomie. The „filter” through the world can be perceived, modifying factors. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 6. Self-knowledge. Tools of self-knowledge. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 7. Self-image, self-ideal, self-evaluation. Emotional intelligence. Resilience. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 8. Personality theories, personality development. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 9. Positive mental health promotion, personality development methods, beliefs and misconceptions about popular methods. Humanistic psychology. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 10. Physiological process of stress. Methods of stress management. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 11. The role of physical activity in stress management. Physiological effects of relaxation. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
- 12. Who can You contact in case of mental health problems? Mental health professionals and competencies. - Horváth-Sarródi Andrea
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