A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kopcsó István
honorary professor,
Department of Public Health Medicine
előadás: 10 óra
gyakorlat: 2 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 12 óra
- Kód: OSF-MMH-T
- 1 kredit
- Dentistry
- Optional modul
- autumn
Vizsgakurzus:Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 25 fő
Campus kurzusként elérhető . Campus-karok: ETK
With its interdisciplinary nature, our University’s education and research activity in numerous fields is connected already to military medicine. We have long-term cooperation with the Medical Directorate of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command as well as with the NATO Military Medical Centre of Excellence in Budapest The Hungarian Defence Forces is also in need of freshly trained professionals. One of the main aims of this optional course is the provision of updated information and to strengthen the motivation of the medical students.
- 1. The role and structure of military medicine in Hungary. - Kopcsó István
- 2. The role and structure of military medicine in Hungary. - Kopcsó István
- 3. The role of military medicine in crisis fields and the cooperation within NATO. How to be prepared for it? - Kopcsó István
- 4. The role of military medicine in crisis fields and the cooperation within NATO. How to be prepared for it? - Kopcsó István
- 5. How to organize the health services in case of disaster. Triage. Cooperation with humanitarian organizations (Red Cross, IOM, Baptist Aid) - Szilárd István
- 6. How to organize the health services in case of disaster. Triage. Cooperation with humanitarian organizations (Red Cross, IOM, Baptist Aid) - Szilárd István
- 7. Introduction of NATO and its Military Medical Centre of Excellence (MILMED CoE) Kopcsó István - Kopcsó István
- 8. Introduction of NATO and its Military Medical Centre of Excellence (MILMED CoE) Kopcsó István - Kopcsó István
- 9. The availability and usability of syndromic surveillance systems in the planning and management of military operations. Katz Zoltán - Katz Zoltán
- 10. The availability and usability of syndromic surveillance systems in the planning and management of military operations. Katz Zoltán - Katz Zoltán
- 11. How to organize the health services in case of disaster. Triage. Cooperation with humanitarian organizations (Red Cross, IOM, Baptist Aid) - Molnár F. Tamás
- 12. How to organize the health services in case of disaster. Triage. Cooperation with humanitarian organizations (Red Cross, IOM, Baptist Aid) - Molnár F. Tamás
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
All educational materials will be available on the website of the Department and on PotePedia.
Ajánlott irodalom
1. AJP-4.10, Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Support, 11 September 2019
2. AJMedP-1, Allied Joint Medical Planning Doctrine, 17 September 2018
3. AJMEDP-2, Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Evacuation, 29 August 2018
4. SRD to AJMedP-3, Guide to Medical Intelligence, 15 January 2018
5. AJMedP-4, Allied Joint Medical Force Health Protection Doctrine, 27 July 2018
6. AJMedP-5, Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Communications and Information Systems, 29 October 2020
7. AJMedP-6, Allied Joint Civil-Military Medical Interface Doctrine, 5 November 2015
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Active participation at lectures (85% at least), and successful completition of the final written test.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Written test based on the lectures and the recommended readings during the last occasion.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Based on preliminary discussion with the course leader.
The exam will be based on the lectures and the recommended readings.
All educational materials will be available on the website of the Department and on PotePedia.
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Szilárd István