Healthcare for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU: Health-geographical and Intercultural Aspects


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025


  • Marek Erika Mária

    associate professor,
    Department of Public Health Medicine


előadás: 24 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OXFHGI-z-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Optional modul
  • both



Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 16 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető . Campus-karok: ETK


Participants of this course will gain in knowledge and skills regarding the specific aspects of providing care for migrants as well as for the Roma ethnic minority (with appr. 13 million population in the EU!) from a health-geographical and intercultural approaches.


  • 1.

    Introduction. Aims and scopes of the course. Principals of migration-health, migration as a global phenomenon: history, causes and terms.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 2.

    Introduction. Aims and scopes of the course. Principals of migration-health, migration as a global phenomenon: history, causes and terms.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 3.

    Recent trends of regular and irregular migration, and main migration routes. ’Push-an-pull factors’ of the most relevant countries of origin which factors influence migrants’ health arriving from Syria, Afghanistan, African countries, and Ukraine.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 4.

    Recent trends of regular and irregular migration, and main migration routes. ’Push-an-pull factors’ of the most relevant countries of origin which factors influence migrants’ health arriving from Syria, Afghanistan, African countries, and Ukraine.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 5.

    Public health aspects and indicators of main source countries of migrants (Syria, Afghanistan, African countries, and Ukraine): epidemiological profile, vaccination coverage, state of the healthcare system, etc.).

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 6.

    Public health aspects and indicators of main source countries of migrants (Syria, Afghanistan, African countries, and Ukraine): epidemiological profile, vaccination coverage, state of the healthcare system, etc.).

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 7.

    Health and public health aspects of the process and stages of migration (countries of origin, transit and destination countries). Recommendations of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on screening and vaccination of migrants in Europe.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 8.

    Health and public health aspects of the process and stages of migration (countries of origin, transit and destination countries). Recommendations of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on screening and vaccination of migrants in Europe.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 9.

    Migrant-friendly healthcare facilities: institutional and professional (human resource, HR) developments. Barriers in accessing care and best practices in overcoming barriers 1. Good practices from the ’first safe countries’: Jordan and Turkey.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 10.

    Migrant-friendly healthcare facilities: institutional and professional (human resource, HR) developments. Barriers in accessing care and best practices in overcoming barriers 1. Good practices from the ’first safe countries’: Jordan and Turkey.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 11.

    Migrant-friendly healthcare facilities: institutional and professional (human resource, HR) developments. Barriers in accessing care and best practices in overcoming barriers 2. Good practices from European countries (Portugal, Italy, UK, The Netherlands, etc.)

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 12.

    Migrant-friendly healthcare facilities: institutional and professional (human resource, HR) developments. Barriers in accessing care and best practices in overcoming barriers 2. Good practices from European countries (Portugal, Italy, UK, The Netherlands, etc.)

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 13.

    Cultural competence and intercultural communication techniques in healthcare practice. Cultural and religious factors which may influence health and healthcare.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 14.

    Cultural competence and intercultural communication techniques in healthcare practice. Cultural and religious factors which may influence health and healthcare.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 15.

    Overcoming linguistic barriers: cooperation with medical interpreters and intercultural mediators: practical applications – best practices.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 16.

    Overcoming linguistic barriers: cooperation with medical interpreters and intercultural mediators: practical applications – best practices.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 17.

    The dark (illegal) side of migration: smuggling and trafficking of human beings (including sex trafficking, prostitution, forced labour, etc.) their effects on health and specific aspects of rehabilitation and care of the victims. Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in different cultures (female genital mutilation, FGM), and other harmful traditional practices.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 18.

    The dark (illegal) side of migration: smuggling and trafficking of human beings (including sex trafficking, prostitution, forced labour, etc.) their effects on health and specific aspects of rehabilitation and care of the victims. Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in different cultures (female genital mutilation, FGM), and other harmful traditional practices.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 19.

    Specific aspects of providing culturally-sensitive care for Roma ethnic minority populations (value of health, beliefs and health behaviours, customs). Health status and conditions of Romas living in segregated areas.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 20.

    Specific aspects of providing culturally-sensitive care for Roma ethnic minority populations (value of health, beliefs and health behaviours, customs). Health status and conditions of Romas living in segregated areas.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 21.

    Intercultural mediation in Roma communities. Effects of stereotypes and discrimination on Roma patients’ health and access to healthcare.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 22.

    Intercultural mediation in Roma communities. Effects of stereotypes and discrimination on Roma patients’ health and access to healthcare.

    - Marek Erika Mária
  • 23. Assessment. Written test (compulsory) and presentation of students’ projects (optional). - Marek Erika Mária
  • 24. Assessment. Written test (compulsory) and presentation of students’ projects (optional). - Marek Erika Mária



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag




Ajánlott irodalom

o A. Rundle, M. Carvalho, M. Robinson. Cultural Competence in Health Care: A Practical Guide 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-0-7879-6221-0

o R. Skolnik. Global Health 101 (Essential Public Health) 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 9781284050547

o G.A. Galanti. Caring for Patients from Different Cultures 5th Edition, ISBN 9780812223118

o J. Newman Giger Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention, 7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0323399924

o T. Brown, S. McLafferty, G. Moon. A Companion to Health and Medical Geography, ISBN: 978-1-4051-7003-1

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Active participation at lectures (85% at least), and successful completition of the final written test.

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Mid-semester grade: students may complete their individual project (presentation) for the successful completion of the course, in addition to the final written test.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

To be discussed with the course tutor in each individual case.




Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói