Practice-oriented Sports Medicine


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025



előadás: 18 óra

gyakorlat: 6 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OXE-SMG_24-h-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Elective modul
  • spring


Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő


During the past couple of decades sports medicine has evolved from being an area of medical practice concerned with the treatment of sports injuries to becoming an interdisciplinary subspecialty that integrates and implements scientific discoveries into everyday practice dedicated to comprehensive athlete health management. We believe that with the support and effort from our multidisciplinary team we can provide complete care to athletes as individuals thus enabling them to perform at their very best with minimal health risk. Our course aims to outline the basic theoretical, practical aspects and our holistic approach of sports medicine. Besides clinical care we focus on possible applications of basic and applied research.


  • 1. Duties of the team doctor, rules of on-site care - Mintál Tibor
  • 2. Duties of the team doctor, rules of on-site care - Mintál Tibor
  • 3. Sports selection, anthropometry - Szabó Dorottya (Sportmed)
  • 4. Sports selection, anthropometry - Szabó Dorottya (Sportmed)
  • 5. Manual therapy, sport physiotherapy - Nyisztorné Mayer Petra
  • 6. Manual therapy, sport physiotherapy - Nyisztorné Mayer Petra
  • 7. Effects of sports nutrition, doping - Dömse Eszter
  • 8. Effects of sports nutrition, doping - Dömse Eszter
  • 9. Disability sport - Dömse Eszter
  • 10. Disability sport - Dömse Eszter
  • 11. Children sport - Oberritter Zsolt
  • 12. Children sport - Oberritter Zsolt
  • 13. Spiroergometry - Tékus Éva
  • 14. Spiroergometry - Tékus Éva
  • 15. Sports cardiology, sudden heart death - Sándor Barbara
  • 16. Sports cardiology, sudden heart death - Sándor Barbara
  • 17. Sports psychology - Erdene Temulin Szonja
  • 18. Sports psychology - Erdene Temulin Szonja


  • 1. Mediskill Lab 1. - Mintál Tibor
  • 2. Mediskill Lab 2. - Mintál Tibor
  • 3. Mediskill Lab 3. - Oberritter Zsolt
  • 4. Mediskill Lab 4. - Oberritter Zsolt
  • 5. Sportmedicine situations near by the field - Dömse Eszter
  • 6. Sportmedicine situations near by the field - Dömse Eszter


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag

Materials will be uploaded to the Department's website


Lecture notes

Ajánlott irodalom


A félév elfogadásának feltételei


Félévközi ellenőrzések

Written Test, on the last occasion.

Assessment: 55%-64%=2; 65%-74%=3; 75%-84%=4; 85%-100%=5

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Depending on individual agreement with the course director


Assessment: 55%-64%=2; 65%-74%=3; 75%-84%=4; 85%-100%=5


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dömse Eszter
  • Mintál Tibor
  • Oberritter Zsolt