Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds, their Electroanalytical Chemistry


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025


  • Kiss László

    research associate professor,
    Department of Organic and Pharmacological Chemistry


előadás: 28 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 28 óra


  • Kód: OTF-PEK-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Biotechnology BSc
  • Optional modul
  • autumn

OTN-BBPC-T finished

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 15 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető . Campus-karok: TTK


The aim of the course is to discuss about the electrochemical reactions of organic compounds, highlighting the effect of the used solvents, electrodes with different materials. The different groups of compounds will be introduced in this respect in details, especially the electrochemical halogenation and dehalogenation. The oxidation and reduction processes are mainly used in the electroanalytical methods, therefore the voltammetric and amperometric measuring methods will be shown in details. The shape and magnitude of electrode is also an important factor, especially microelectrodes serve as an appropriate tool for analysis of highly resistive media. The material of electrode is interesting due to the adsorption. The electrode reactions of organic compounds are along with exchange of protons so the related mechanisms are also important. In the electroanalysis the improvement of sensitivity and selectivity is essentially important and the electrode grafting methods are widespread, tiols bind strongly particularly to surface of gold. The material of carbon paste electrodes can be mixed with apolar organic compounds, on the other hand making intercalated graphene is possible. Through several examples the detectability of many organic compounds will be introduced. A special family of compounds, calixarenes will be highlighted especially in respect of electrode modifying materials.


  • 10. Organic electrosyntheses: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous and other heteroatom containing compounds - Kiss László
  • 9. Organic electrosyntheses: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous and other heteroatom containing compounds - Kiss László
  • 8. Organic electrosyntheses: Kolbe-syntheses, oxygen containing intermediers - Kiss László
  • 7. Organic electrosyntheses: Kolbe-syntheses, oxygen containing intermediers - Kiss László
  • 6. Electrochemical halogenation, dehalogenation, degradation of halogen containing compounds - Kiss László
  • 5. Electrochemical halogenation, dehalogenation, degradation of halogen containing compounds - Kiss László
  • 4. Advantages, disadvantages of use of ionic liquids - Kiss László
  • 3. Advantages, disadvantages of use of ionic liquids - Kiss László
  • 2. Materials of electrodes in organic electrosyntheses, analyses - Kiss László
  • 1. Materials of electrodes in organic electrosyntheses, analyses - Kiss László
  • 14. Potentiometry based on ion and electron exchange equilibria, pH dependence of electrode reaction of organic compounds - Kiss László
  • 13. Potentiometry based on ion and electron exchange equilibria, pH dependence of electrode reaction of organic compounds - Kiss László
  • 12. Organic electrosyntheses: heterocyclic compounds, asymmetric syntheses - Kiss László
  • 11. Organic electrosyntheses: heterocyclic compounds, asymmetric syntheses - Kiss László
  • 15. Reaction polarisation, electrode mechanisms, narrow-gap cells, ion mobility sensors - Kiss László
  • 16. Reaction polarisation, electrode mechanisms, narrow-gap cells, ion mobility sensors - Kiss László
  • 17. Polarography, role of electrode material in adsorption processes, flow injection analysis - Kiss László
  • 18. Polarography, role of electrode material in adsorption processes, flow injection analysis - Kiss László
  • 19. Electrode grafting and other possibilities for electrode modification, carbon paste electrode - Kiss László
  • 20. Electrode grafting and other possibilities for electrode modification, carbon paste electrode - Kiss László
  • 21. Electroanalysis of organic compounds I - Kiss László
  • 22. Electroanalysis of organic compounds I - Kiss László
  • 23. Electroanalysis of organic compounds II - Kiss László
  • 24. Electroanalysis of organic compounds II - Kiss László
  • 25. Electrochemistry of calixarenes, their utilization as electrode modifiers - Kiss László
  • 26. Electrochemistry of calixarenes, their utilization as electrode modifiers - Kiss László
  • 27. Writing exam - Kiss László
  • 28. Writing exam - Kiss László



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag

sheets of lectures in a ppt file


Ajánlott irodalom

A félév elfogadásának feltételei


Félévközi ellenőrzések

pót zárthelyi előre egyeztetett időpontban

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Előadás, így nincs lehetőség pótlásra.


materials of electrodes in organic electrosyntheses, analyses

advantages, disadvantages of use of ionic liquids

electrochemical halogenation, dehalogenation, degradation of halogen containing compounds

Organic electrosyntheses: Kolbe-syntheses, oxygen containing intermediers

Organic electrosyntheses: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous and other heteroatom containing compounds

Organic electrosyntheses: heterocyclic compounds, asymmetric syntheses

potentiometry based on ion and electron exchange equilibria, pH dependence of electrode reaction of organic compounds

reaction polarisation, electrode mechanisms, narrow-gap cells, ion mobility sensors

polarography, role of electrode material in adsorption processes, flow injection analysis

electrode grafting and other possibilities for electrode modification, carbon paste electrode

electroanalysis of organic compounds

electrochemistry of calixarenes, their utilization as electrode modifiers

writing exam


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói