A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Tamás Andrea
associate professor,
Department of Anatomy
előadás: 14 óra
gyakorlat: 56 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 70 óra
- Kód: OSA-AA2-T
- 5 kredit
- Dentistry
- Basic modul
- autumn
OSA-BEV-T finished , OSA-ZT2-T parallel
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
Anatomy-2 involves the macroscopic structure of the human body including its functional aspects. This is the second part of a two-semester subject. Students get insight into the macroscopic structure of viscera. Anatomy-2 is completed by a semester exam.
- 1. Oral cavity: tongue, teeth, oropharyngeal isthmus. Pharynx. - Tamás Andrea
- 2. Respiratory system. Larynx and phonation. - Rékási Zoltán
- 3. Lungs and pleura. Anatomy of breathing. - Rékási Zoltán
- 4. Gross anatomy of the heart, cardiac cavities and valves. - Gaszner Balázs (Anat)
- 5. Vascular supply and conducting system of the heart. Clinical considerations. - Gaszner Balázs (Anat)
- 6. Topography of the abdominal cavity. Peritoneum. Gastrointestinal tract. - Tamás Andrea
- 7. Topography and vascular supply of the liver and spleen. Biliary tree. - Csernus Valér
- 8. Topography, section and structure of the kidneys. - Csernus Valér
- 9. Gross anatomy of the female reproductive system. - Tamás Andrea
- 10. Retroperitoneum - Rékási Zoltán
- 11. Gross anatomy of the male reproductive system. - Rékási Zoltán
- 12. Muscles and fasciae of the pelvic floor. Perineum. - Kiss Péter
- 13. Clinical aspects of the anatomy of nasal- and oral cavity, larynx and pharynx - Lujber László
- 14. Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of the gastrointestinal tract. The vascular anastomoses and their clinical importance. - Szántó Zalán János
- 1. Oral cavity and teeth 1.
- 2. Oral cavity and teeth 1.
- 3. Nasal cavity 1.
- 4. Nasal cavity 2.
- 5. Pharynx; Retro- and parapharyngeal spaces 1.
- 6. Pharynx; Retro- and parapharyngeal spaces 2.
- 7. Larynx 1.
- 8. Larynx 2.
- 9. Structure of the chest wall.
- 10. Topography, blood supply and lymphatic drainage of the mammary gland
- 11. Surface projections and topography of the intrathoracic viscera 1.
- 12. Surface projections and topography of the intrathoracic viscera 2.
- 13. Term and division of the mediastinum.
- 14. Anterior mediastinum 1.
- 15. Anterior mediastinum 2.
- 16. The heart. Topography and X-ray picture.
- 17. Cavities, valves and vascular supply of the heart 1.
- 18. Cavities, valves and vascular supply of the heart 2.
- 19. Lungs and bronchi 1.
- 20. Lungs and bronchi 2.
- 21. Posterior mediastinum 1. Intercostal nerves and vessels
- 22. Posterior mediastinum 2.
- 23. Posterior mediastinum 3.
- 24. Posterior mediastinum 4.
- 25. Structure of the abdominal wall (repetition).
- 26. Regions of the abdominal cavity. Surface projections of the intraabdominal viscera.
- 27. Hepatoduodenal ligament 1.
- 28. Hepatoduodenal ligament 2.
- 29. Coeliac trunk.
- 30. Topography, vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of the stomach.
- 31. Topography, vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of duodenum and spleen.
- 32. Topography, surfaces, and peritoneal relations of liver.
- 33. Topography and vascular supply of pancreas 1.
- 34. Topography and vascular supply of pancreas 2.
- 35. Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of the small and large intestines 1.
- 36. Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage of the small and large intestines 2.
- 37. Topography of kidneys.
- 38. Section of the kidney.
- 39. Removal of the bowels 1.
- 40. Removal of the bowels 2.
- 41. Retroperitoneum.
- 42. Paired branches of the abdominal aorta.
- 43. Lumbar plexus.
- 44. Diaphragm.
- 45. Topography of the true pelvis.
- 46. Branches of the internal iliac artery. Sacral plexus.
- 47. Male and female reproductive organs 1.
- 48. Male and female reproductive organs 2.
- 49. Median sagittal sections of the male and female pelvis 1.
- 50. Median sagittal sections of the male and female pelvis 2.
- 51. Perineum, external genital organs 1.
- 52. Perineum, external genital organs 2.
- 53. Recapitulation 1.
- 54. Recapitulation 2.
- 55. Recapitulation 3.
- 56. Recapitulation 4.
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Presence on at least 85% of course hours is required. Absence (for any reason) is max. 11 teaching hours (= 11x45 min.) including max. 9 practice hours.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Exceptionally, students may attend the lab of another group (on the same week), maximum two labs in a semester.
- Csernus Valér
- Fábián Eszter
- Farkas Boglárka Anett
- Farkas József
- Fülöp Balázs Dániel
- Gaszner Balázs (Anat)
- Gaszner Tamás
- Hollósy Tibor
- Horváth Gábor (Anatómia)
- Horváth Judit (Anatómia)
- Horváth-Opper Gabriella
- Kiss Péter
- Kovács László Ákos
- Nagy András Dávid
- Opper Balázs
- Pethőné Lubics Andrea
- Reglődi Dóra
- Rékási Zoltán
- Tamás Andrea
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Csernus Valér
- Fábián Eszter
- Farkas Boglárka Anett
- Farkas József
- Gaszner Balázs (Anat)
- Gaszner Tamás
- Hollósy Tibor
- Horváth Gábor (Anatómia)
- Horváth Judit (Anatómia)
- Horváth-Opper Gabriella
- Kiss Péter
- Kovács László Ákos
- Nagy András Dávid
- Opper Balázs
- Pethőné Lubics Andrea
- Pham Dániel
- Reglődi Dóra
- Rékási Zoltán
- Tamás Andrea