A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Farkas József
assistant professor,
Department of Anatomy
előadás: 0 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 12 óra
összesen: 12 óra
- Kód: OXF-GOF-h-T
- 1 kredit
- General Medicine
- Optional modul
- spring
ODA-AA2-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő
The course aims to put the already acquired knowledge into a unique perspective via a new, innovative method, developed by Dr. Krupat (2016) at Harvard Medical School. Each session is built around a clinical case or problem related to an organ/organ system. The topics will be discussed with the help of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and basic clinical knowledge. Students will receive the reading material and references, required for the case prior to the course. Students will be expected to process the material individually in order to successfully complete the course. Before each session a short test will be administered to assess the knowledge of the participants. During the sessions, with the guidance of a clinician, experienced in the corresponding field, students will organize their knowledge, as needed to solve clinical cases.
Reference: Krupat E, Richards JB, Sullivan AM, Fleenor TJ Jr, Schwartzstein RM. Assessing the Effectiveness of Case-Based Collaborative Learning via Randomized Controlled Trial. Acad Med. 2016; 91(5):723-9
- 1. Internal medicine/emergency medicine cases - Kanizsai Péter László
- 2. Internal medicine/emergency medicine cases - Kanizsai Péter László
- 3. Internal medicine/emergency medicine cases - Kanizsai Péter László
- 4. Cardiology cases - Czopf László József
- 5. Cardiology cases - Czopf László József
- 6. Cardiology cases - Czopf László József
- 7. Neurology cases - Sebők Ágnes
- 8. Neurology cases - Sebők Ágnes
- 9. Neurology cases - Sebők Ágnes
- 10. Exam - Farkas József
- 11. Exam - Farkas József
- 12. Exam - Farkas József
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Students have to pass the tests based on the required reading material. At the last session a test, covering the topics discussed during the semester, will be given to the students. The final grade will be determined based on the results of the final test.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
The student must fill out a written test, covering the material of the missed class, at the beginning of the following class attended.
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Czopf László József
- Farkas József
- Kanizsai Péter László
- Sebők Ágnes